Hoosier Half-Marathon



April 8, 2017 in Bloomington, IN

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Half-Marathon - Results

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1109 Scott Breeden M 20-29 160 28/113 143/509 1:32:17 21:57 7:05 221 1:10:41 7:05 161 21:21 6:53 149 1:32:01 7:02
2901 Cole Smith M 30-39 161 13/95 144/509 1:32:18 21:57 7:05 222 1:10:42 7:05 164 21:20 6:52 148 1:32:02 7:02
366 Griffin Rhys NO AGE 162 112/282 145/509 1:32:16 19:42 6:22 112 1:09:22 6:57 144 22:50 7:21 227 1:32:11 7:03
220 John Paul Thomas NO AGE 163 113/282 146/509 1:32:25 19:51 6:25 122 1:10:21 7:03 157 21:53 7:03 178 1:32:14 7:03
1062 Joseph Bell M 30-39 164 14/95 147/509 1:32:16 17:56 5:47 51 1:02:50 6:17 66 29:25 9:28 613 1:32:14 7:03
389 Alexander Vetre NO AGE 165 114/282 148/509 1:32:23 20:27 6:36 153 1:09:45 6:59 149 22:29 7:15 203 1:32:14 7:03
2674 Nicole Carter F 20-29 166 2/148 18/492 1:32:35 21:02 6:47 178 1:10:41 7:05 163 21:42 6:59 174 1:32:22 7:04
230 Sebastian Morales NO AGE 167 115/282 149/509 1:32:45 19:10 6:11 98 1:08:24 6:51 130 24:08 7:46 307 1:32:32 7:04
1605 Jose Mitjavila M 20-29 168 29/113 150/509 1:32:41 20:59 6:47 176 1:11:30 7:09 173 21:03 6:47 136 1:32:32 7:04
1575 Reuben McCracken M 30-39 169 15/95 151/509 1:32:45 21:14 6:51 188 1:11:21 7:09 171 21:14 6:50 144 1:32:35 7:05
208 John Brown NO AGE 170 116/282 152/509 1:32:53 20:54 6:45 170 1:11:36 7:10 175 21:06 6:48 138 1:32:42 7:05
2752 Jeffrey Engel M 40-49 171 7/89 153/509 1:33:33 21:45 7:01 203 1:11:37 7:10 176 21:26 6:54 155 1:33:02 7:07
325 Marissa Fritz NO AGE 172 117/282 19/492 1:33:30 20:57 6:46 173 1:11:36 7:10 174 21:46 7:01 176 1:33:21 7:08
303 Alec Sampson NO AGE 173 118/282 154/509 1:33:38 22:12 7:10 238 1:12:51 7:18 192 20:33 6:37 117 1:33:23 7:08
1510 Javier Lara Baron M 30-39 174 16/95 155/509 1:33:35 20:36 6:39 155 1:11:06 7:07 168 22:23 7:13 199 1:33:28 7:09
2020 Jt Wolohan M 20-29 175 30/113 156/509 1:34:03 21:54 7:04 217 1:12:19 7:14 184 21:31 6:56 162 1:33:49 7:10
207 Kendra Storz NO AGE 176 119/282 20/492 1:34:07 21:46 7:02 205 1:12:19 7:14 183 21:36 6:57 168 1:33:54 7:11
269 Alex Quardokus NO AGE 177 120/282 157/509 1:34:03 20:53 6:45 168 1:12:24 7:15 185 21:31 6:56 163 1:33:54 7:11
2493 Victor Bongard M 40-49 178 8/89 158/509 1:34:08 20:19 6:34 146 1:11:28 7:09 172 22:34 7:16 212 1:34:01 7:11
214 Ryon Herin NO AGE 179 121/282 159/509 1:34:20 20:30 6:37 154 1:11:05 7:07 167 22:57 7:24 232 1:34:02 7:11
1408 James Hoagland M 30-39 180 17/95 160/509 1:34:15 21:06 6:49 182 1:12:11 7:14 181 21:59 7:05 180 1:34:10 7:12
247 Daria Yoder NO AGE 181 122/282 21/492 1:34:25 20:21 6:34 147 1:11:41 7:11 177 22:42 7:19 219 1:34:22 7:13
1513 Melanie Laswell F 30-39 182 1/92 22/492 1:34:31 20:48 6:43 161 1:12:00 7:12 180 22:24 7:13 200 1:34:24 7:13
493 Rachael Davalos NO AGE 183 123/282 23/492 1:35:06 23:09 7:28 306 1:13:00 7:18 196 21:25 6:54 152 1:34:24 7:13
1736 Thomas Raley M 30-39 184 18/95 161/509 1:34:43 22:05 7:08 231 1:12:55 7:18 193 21:32 6:56 167 1:34:27 7:13
395 Sierra Bowden NO AGE 185 124/282 24/492 1:34:41 21:13 6:51 187 1:12:27 7:15 187 22:04 7:06 184 1:34:30 7:13
285 Jessica Riojas NO AGE 186 125/282 25/492 1:34:47 21:17 6:52 191 1:12:27 7:15 188 22:12 7:09 189 1:34:39 7:14
1288 Evan Gady M 30-39 187 19/95 162/509 1:35:01 21:03 6:48 179 1:11:59 7:12 179 22:44 7:19 222 1:34:42 7:14
1656 Pat Norek M 20-29 188 31/113 163/509 1:35:13 22:43 7:20 269 1:14:18 7:26 210 20:25 6:35 111 1:34:42 7:14
386 Alex Brashears NO AGE 189 126/282 164/509 1:35:11 20:54 6:45 171 1:12:25 7:15 186 22:37 7:17 214 1:35:02 7:16
382 Lily Orr NO AGE 190 127/282 26/492 1:35:11 20:51 6:44 166 1:12:30 7:15 189 22:33 7:16 209 1:35:03 7:16
1362 Megan Hannemann F 20-29 191 3/148 27/492 1:35:24 21:54 7:04 219 1:12:59 7:18 195 22:10 7:08 188 1:35:08 7:16
404 Mako Westby NO AGE 192 128/282 28/492 1:35:18 20:48 6:43 162 1:11:48 7:11 178 23:22 7:32 262 1:35:10 7:16
216 Gus Johnson NO AGE 193 129/282 165/509 1:35:26 21:38 6:59 200 1:13:04 7:19 197 22:07 7:08 185 1:35:11 7:16
2543 Andy Jedlicka M 10-19 194 3/14 166/509 1:36:00 23:06 7:27 301 1:14:08 7:25 208 21:08 6:48 139 1:35:16 7:17
2620 Scott Todd M 40-49 195 9/89 167/509 1:35:28 20:13 6:31 140 1:11:02 7:07 166 24:17 7:49 317 1:35:18 7:17
1361 Sam Handlos M 10-19 196 4/14 168/509 1:36:04 23:07 7:28 303 1:14:28 7:27 217 20:52 6:43 127 1:35:19 7:17
315 Alec Reilly NO AGE 197 130/282 169/509 1:35:51 21:52 7:04 214 1:14:08 7:25 207 21:13 6:50 142 1:35:20 7:17
481 Lexi Slome NO AGE 198 131/282 29/492 1:35:39 22:13 7:10 242 1:13:31 7:21 200 21:54 7:03 179 1:35:24 7:17
223 Katie Edwards NO AGE 199 132/282 30/492 1:35:52 20:36 6:39 156 1:12:39 7:16 190 23:06 7:26 242 1:35:45 7:19

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