Timberline Marathon



May 31, 2014 in Government Camp, OR

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832 Chelsea Gay 26 F F 25-29 3 1/8 1 3:21:25 7:43
861 Nathan Schulte 29 M M 25-29 4 1/4 3 3:34:03 8:12
851 Rich Nelly 56 M M 55-59 5 1/3 4 3:35:37 8:16
874 Nathan Ulrich 37 M M 35-39 6 3/8 5 3:35:47 8:16
872 Gevara Teebi 45 M M 45-49 7 1/4 6 3:43:32 8:34
804 Jeff Atkinson 24 M M 20-24 8 1/4 7 3:44:46 8:37
846 Corbin Lichtinger 25 M M 25-29 9 2/4 8 3:52:54 8:56
803 Zachary Arnold 18 M M 01-19 10 1/1 9 3:57:58 9:07
834 Rikki Glick 27 F F 25-29 11 2/8 2 4:01:19 9:15
802 Brian Anderson 37 M M 35-39 12 4/8 10 4:06:52 9:28
860 Rodney Schoene 38 M M 35-39 13 5/8 11 4:11:04 9:37
847 Laurene Likens 39 F F 35-39 14 1/7 3 4:13:33 9:43
864 Luke Simmons 20 M M 20-24 15 2/4 12 4:14:24 9:45
865 Christopher Soika 42 M M 40-44 16 1/5 13 4:14:46 9:46
858 Marianne Richter 26 F F 25-29 17 3/8 4 4:18:45 9:55
881 Juliano Wilson 46 M M 45-49 18 2/4 14 4:21:55 10:02
838 Evan Jensen 39 M M 35-39 19 6/8 15 4:22:25 10:03
839 Marc Jolin 45 M M 45-49 20 3/4 16 4:22:59 10:05
848 Phillip Matos 21 M M 20-24 21 3/4 17 4:25:07 10:10
816 Aaron Di Silvestro 27 M M 25-29 22 3/4 18 4:26:07 10:12
840 Kristy Jones 36 F F 35-39 23 2/7 5 4:33:14 10:28
813 Turi Curry 32 F F 30-34 24 1/7 6 4:35:24 10:33
843 Jennipher Koch 38 F F 35-39 25 3/7 7 4:36:54 10:37
862 Jeff Shaw 42 M M 40-44 26 2/5 19 4:40:03 10:44
857 Caitlin Reid 29 F F 25-29 27 4/8 8 4:40:53 10:46
826 Ella Fish 31 F F 30-34 28 2/7 9 4:41:13 10:47
879 Erin Wellock 28 M M 25-29 29 4/4 20 4:43:39 10:52
850 David Morley 39 M M 35-39 30 7/8 21 4:45:09 10:56
815 Ryan Derosier 30 M M 30-34 31 1/3 22 4:48:57 11:05
853 Renee Olivier 33 F F 30-34 32 3/7 10 4:49:43 11:06
812 Ryan Curry 35 M M 35-39 33 8/8 23 4:51:17 11:10
877 Steven Wagoner 55 M M 55-59 34 2/3 24 4:51:39 11:11
823 Nicolas Durham 44 M M 40-44 35 3/5 25 4:53:11 11:14
809 Sapphire Chen 49 F F 45-49 36 1/4 11 4:55:04 11:19
884 Carly Ziegler 25 F F 25-29 37 5/8 12 4:56:55 11:23
878 Nicole Walter 46 F F 45-49 38 2/4 13 5:01:37 11:34
844 Sara Lee 33 F F 30-34 39 4/7 14 5:02:51 11:36
852 Boyana Norris 41 F F 40-44 40 1/3 15 5:03:48 11:39
869 Kirk Stafford 53 M M 50-54 41 1/4 26 5:05:43 11:43
830 Euphemia Frie 20 F F 20-24 42 1/1 16 5:07:08 11:46

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