Hoosier Half-Marathon



April 8, 2017 in Bloomington, IN

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Half-Marathon - Results

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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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322 Kaleb Morris NO AGE 354 205/282 251/509 1:45:19 23:07 7:28 305 1:20:04 8:01 348 25:06 8:05 357 1:45:09 8:02
1243 Taylor Erickson F 20-29 355 14/148 104/492 1:45:43 23:38 7:38 342 1:20:01 8:01 347 25:13 8:07 365 1:45:14 8:02
2491 Ross Berryhill M 50-59 356 3/45 252/509 1:46:12 24:02 7:46 376 1:20:32 8:04 355 24:43 7:58 341 1:45:15 8:02
1220 Joseph Dugan M 30-39 357 36/95 253/509 1:46:19 23:05 7:27 299 1:19:51 8:00 344 25:50 8:19 409 1:45:40 8:04
1455 Dustin Johnson M 20-29 358 57/113 254/509 1:46:57 25:39 8:17 494 1:20:17 8:02 352 25:31 8:13 391 1:45:47 8:05
359 Halie Szilagyi NO AGE 359 206/282 105/492 1:46:04 21:53 7:04 216 1:18:21 7:51 306 27:33 8:52 494 1:45:53 8:05
324 Kelsey Fenimore NO AGE 360 207/282 106/492 1:46:33 23:51 7:42 364 1:20:47 8:05 362 25:13 8:07 364 1:45:59 8:06
2627 Ian Waldschmidt M 20-29 361 58/113 255/509 1:47:26 25:42 8:18 497 1:22:29 8:15 390 23:38 7:37 274 1:46:07 8:06
1157 Jack Christiansen M 40-49 362 21/89 256/509 1:46:57 24:11 7:48 391 1:21:09 8:07 370 25:08 8:06 359 1:46:17 8:07
2572 Elizabeth Morgan F 30-39 363 8/92 107/492 1:46:38 23:23 7:33 318 1:20:44 8:05 359 25:34 8:14 395 1:46:17 8:07
1329 Rodrigo Gomez Cobo M 30-39 364 37/95 257/509 1:47:08 24:20 7:51 400 1:21:08 8:07 369 25:12 8:07 363 1:46:19 8:07
1421 Katie Hosier F 20-29 365 15/148 108/492 1:46:49 24:28 7:54 414 1:21:51 8:12 379 24:38 7:56 336 1:46:29 8:08
480 Hanna Peterman NO AGE 366 208/282 109/492 1:47:18 24:18 7:51 398 1:22:04 8:13 382 24:40 7:57 338 1:46:44 8:09
441 Kelly Sarkis NO AGE 367 209/282 110/492 1:47:38 24:51 8:01 440 1:22:51 8:18 401 23:54 7:42 294 1:46:45 8:09
1995 Aaron West M 40-49 368 22/89 258/509 1:47:15 23:26 7:34 324 1:19:42 7:59 343 27:05 8:43 460 1:46:46 8:09
311 Natalie Whise NO AGE 369 210/282 111/492 1:47:51 24:08 7:47 387 1:21:33 8:10 376 25:17 8:09 371 1:46:49 8:10
295 Adam Gottlieb NO AGE 370 211/282 259/509 1:46:56 20:50 6:44 165 1:20:14 8:02 351 26:36 8:34 433 1:46:49 8:10
1642 Victor Ness M 20-29 371 59/113 260/509 1:48:24 24:55 8:02 445 1:22:30 8:15 391 24:29 7:53 330 1:46:58 8:10
1249 Alexandra Etheridge F 20-29 372 16/148 112/492 1:47:57 22:52 7:23 278 1:21:01 8:07 366 26:04 8:24 414 1:47:04 8:11
1064 Mike Bennett M 30-39 373 38/95 261/509 1:47:57 23:02 7:26 292 1:21:02 8:07 367 26:04 8:24 415 1:47:05 8:11
2531 Marcin Gorka M 30-39 374 39/95 262/509 1:47:36 24:24 7:53 408 1:21:05 8:07 368 26:03 8:24 413 1:47:08 8:11
1103 Sarah Bradley F 30-39 375 9/92 113/492 1:47:29 24:30 7:54 416 1:22:07 8:13 383 25:03 8:04 355 1:47:09 8:11
2578 Sammy Neumann F 20-29 376 17/148 114/492 1:48:15 26:51 8:40 598 1:24:55 8:30 434 22:18 7:11 194 1:47:13 8:12
1981 Deanne Weaver F 50-59 377 1/22 115/492 1:47:43 23:39 7:38 343 1:21:53 8:12 381 25:33 8:14 394 1:47:26 8:13
394 Rachel Norton NO AGE 378 212/282 116/492 1:48:27 24:49 8:01 438 1:22:49 8:17 398 24:45 7:58 342 1:47:34 8:13
2706 Caitlan Schafer F 20-29 379 18/148 117/492 1:48:35 26:17 8:29 539 1:24:05 8:25 418 23:34 7:36 269 1:47:38 8:13
344 Skyler Rakowski NO AGE 380 213/282 263/509 1:47:49 19:55 6:26 129 1:20:05 8:01 349 27:38 8:54 501 1:47:43 8:14
1910 Jun Takahashi M 20-29 381 60/113 264/509 1:50:01 24:00 7:45 373 1:20:25 8:03 354 27:22 8:49 476 1:47:46 8:14
427 Shayna Dehmler NO AGE 382 214/282 118/492 1:48:31 24:40 7:58 430 1:22:27 8:15 389 25:21 8:10 376 1:47:48 8:14
1453 Jens Johannesen M 40-49 383 23/89 265/509 1:49:18 24:57 8:03 448 1:22:24 8:15 387 25:27 8:12 386 1:47:50 8:14
442 Caroline Sissen NO AGE 384 215/282 119/492 1:48:42 24:35 7:56 421 1:22:41 8:17 397 25:10 8:06 360 1:47:51 8:14
412 Madeleine De Boer NO AGE 385 216/282 120/492 1:48:16 24:55 8:03 446 1:23:29 8:21 411 24:26 7:52 324 1:47:54 8:15
1010 Daryl Alexander M 30-39 386 40/95 266/509 1:48:39 24:02 7:45 374 1:21:13 8:08 372 26:45 8:37 440 1:47:58 8:15
360 Lainie Wright NO AGE 387 217/282 121/492 1:49:04 24:25 7:53 411 1:22:25 8:15 388 25:36 8:15 400 1:48:01 8:15
2632 Hannah Witting F 10-19 388 3/23 122/492 1:48:57 24:32 7:55 417 1:22:33 8:16 395 25:31 8:13 392 1:48:04 8:15
253 Kara Cotter NO AGE 389 218/282 123/492 1:48:39 23:47 7:41 353 1:21:43 8:11 378 26:34 8:33 430 1:48:17 8:16
430 Katie Grobengieser NO AGE 390 219/282 124/492 1:49:17 23:32 7:36 334 1:21:34 8:10 377 26:51 8:39 451 1:48:25 8:17
261 Emily Yoxheimer NO AGE 391 220/282 125/492 1:48:48 24:47 8:00 435 1:23:07 8:19 406 25:19 8:09 373 1:48:26 8:17
357 Claire Marsh NO AGE 392 221/282 126/492 1:48:55 23:23 7:33 317 1:22:17 8:14 386 26:12 8:26 418 1:48:29 8:17
1660 Mark Ochsner M 40-49 393 24/89 267/509 1:48:34 - - - - - - - - - 1:48:34 8:18

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