Ganzo's Cinco de Mayo 5K - 2024



May 4, 2024 in Davenport, IA


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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
number of records per page: [10] [25] [all]

115 Kristin Clark F3034 683 53/58 421/494 57:24
704 Amy Kelley F4549 684 42/49 422/494 57:37
169 Sofia Simons F5559 685 40/48 423/494 57:39
112 Cathren Falco F5054 686 38/45 424/494 57:40
556 Abby Camp F2024 687 27/30 425/494 58:02
557 Alison Ogden F2024 688 28/30 426/494 58:02
421 Skyler Dannatt F2529 689 42/49 427/494 58:12
552 Abbie Hopp F2529 690 43/49 428/494 58:12
113 Justine Vandivier F3034 691 54/58 429/494 58:13
160 Andrea Huebbe F4044 692 37/43 430/494 58:14
171 Jennifer Johnson F4549 693 43/49 431/494 58:14
135 Carli Larson F3539 694 66/69 432/494 58:19
532 Angelique Gasaway F4549 695 44/49 433/494 58:19
281 Lacey Johnson F4044 696 38/43 434/494 58:19
400 Maria Higdon F4044 697 39/43 435/494 58:20
533 Christine Logan F4549 698 45/49 436/494 58:20
108 Michelle Nelson F4549 699 46/49 437/494 58:26
541 Brittany Wilson F3034 700 55/58 438/494 58:26
599 Audrey Larson F3034 701 56/58 439/494 58:49
446 Amanda Page F3539 702 67/69 440/494 58:49
814 Jonah Shoemaker M0114 703 7/10 263/277 58:57
601 Tammy Howard F5054 704 39/45 441/494 59:25
590 Beth Bearbower F5559 705 41/48 442/494 59:25
664 Luke Ferrell M0114 706 8/10 264/277 59:31
663 Jenny Ferrell F4549 707 47/49 443/494 59:31
616 Carol Luciani F6064 708 30/40 444/494 59:40
573 Marie Holdridge F4044 709 40/43 445/494 59:40
251 Bob Beserra M6569 710 7/9 265/277 59:47
252 Cindy Beserra F6064 711 31/40 446/494 59:47
647 Janet Potter F6569 712 17/23 447/494 59:50
312 Marisa Lopez F2529 713 44/49 448/494 1:00:17
474 Michael Frueh M6569 714 8/9 266/277 1:00:18
473 Lois Frueh F6064 715 32/40 449/494 1:00:18
831 Heather Price F5054 716 40/45 450/494 1:00:23
355 Jennifer Howard F4549 717 48/49 451/494 1:00:38
33 Christi Stacy F5559 718 42/48 452/494 1:00:40
59 Shantelle Hahn F5054 719 41/45 453/494 1:00:55
572 Teresa Thorne F5559 720 43/48 454/494 1:00:55
255 Susie Cheeney F6064 721 33/40 455/494 1:01:00
256 Geri Siegfried F6569 722 18/23 456/494 1:01:01

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