Republic Tiger Triathlon

Short Sprint Course


August 15, 2009 in Republic , MO

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Short Sprint Course - Results

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5 Lance Albritton M3539 201 29/37 157/194 7:00 2:20 2:43 48:51 14.7 1:24 30:47 9:56 - 1:30:45
326 Micheal McCauley M3539 202 30/37 158/194 7:34 2:32 2:43 47:53 15.0 1:12 31:39 10:13 - 1:31:01
226 Holly Shilling F3034 203 6/17 38/114 8:03 2:41 2:45 53:46 13.4 0:57 25:31 8:14 - 1:31:03
144 Dillon Kaasa M0519 204 8/8 159/194 7:37 2:33 2:08 55:01 13.1 1:11 25:08 8:07 - 1:31:06
174 Faith Middlebrooks F0519 205 2/4 39/114 7:01 2:21 3:12 50:51 14.2 2:11 27:58 9:02 2:00 1:33:14
296 Saran Durnbough F2529 206 6/13 40/114 7:36 2:32 6:11 49:44 14.5 1:29 26:17 8:29 - 1:31:17
168 Susan Mayberry ATHENA 207 3/13 41/114 10:07 3:23 2:15 48:02 15.0 1:14 29:50 9:38 - 1:31:29
86 Jody Eberly F5054 208 3/11 42/114 6:24 2:08 2:27 50:58 14.1 2:09 30:06 9:43 - 1:32:05
182 Nicola Mullins F4549 209 5/10 43/114 7:33 2:31 3:53 47:46 15.1 2:18 30:35 9:52 - 1:32:06
6 Joel Alexander M4549 210 16/19 160/194 7:18 2:26 2:22 47:04 15.3 2:13 33:12 10:43 - 1:32:09
208 Trip Rhodes M3539 211 31/37 161/194 6:22 2:08 3:02 51:10 14.1 1:22 30:17 9:47 - 1:32:13
285 Cynthia Woodcock F4044 212 5/13 44/114 8:24 2:48 2:23 48:11 14.9 1:37 31:48 10:16 - 1:32:24
214 Alex Ruth MCLY39 213 20/28 162/194 5:29 1:50 2:02 46:49 15.4 1:45 36:20 11:44 - 1:32:25
89 Brent Elliott M3539 214 32/37 163/194 8:00 2:40 2:41 52:25 13.7 1:07 28:25 9:10 - 1:32:38
21 Janese Barnhardt F4044 215 6/13 45/114 6:54 2:18 2:16 52:07 13.8 1:49 29:42 9:35 - 1:32:49
228 Trisha Smay ATHENA 216 4/13 46/114 7:10 2:24 3:05 50:57 14.1 1:55 29:56 9:40 - 1:33:03
19 Greg Baker M3034 217 15/17 164/194 9:43 3:15 2:58 54:06 13.3 1:18 25:05 8:06 - 1:33:10
327 Marilynne Billigmeier F5559 218 1/4 47/114 12:29 4:10 2:06 45:12 15.9 1:22 32:02 10:20 - 1:33:11
14 Phabienne Anderson F2529 219 7/13 48/114 10:00 3:20 4:36 52:49 13.6 1:06 24:46 8:00 - 1:33:18
260 Hillary Turner F0519 220 3/4 49/114 7:47 2:36 3:24 51:37 13.9 2:02 28:42 9:16 - 1:33:32
26 Daniella Benson F3034 221 7/17 50/114 8:04 2:42 2:15 54:33 13.2 1:20 27:25 8:51 - 1:33:38
121 Amanda Hicks F3034 222 8/17 51/114 8:33 2:51 4:03 52:24 13.7 1:06 27:35 8:54 - 1:33:41
235 Theresa Speake F4549 223 6/10 52/114 7:33 2:31 3:14 50:24 14.3 1:02 31:31 10:10 - 1:33:44
63 Jill Cribbs F4044 224 7/13 53/114 7:28 2:30 2:21 51:00 14.1 2:17 30:52 9:58 - 1:33:58
246 Jeff Sutton M4549 225 17/19 165/194 8:16 2:46 2:06 48:31 14.8 1:29 33:38 10:51 - 1:34:00
43 Susan Burlison F3539 226 11/23 54/114 7:45 2:35 2:17 50:42 14.2 2:42 30:47 9:56 - 1:34:13
277 Denise Williams F4549 227 7/10 55/114 7:22 2:28 2:19 53:22 13.5 1:39 29:32 9:32 - 1:34:14
304 Josh Borgstadt M3034 228 16/17 166/194 10:01 3:21 2:25 49:20 14.6 2:05 30:23 9:49 - 1:34:15
36 Craig Borges M5559 229 6/6 167/194 8:54 2:58 3:25 52:50 13.6 1:22 27:47 8:58 - 1:34:18
341 Bruce Johnson M5054 230 11/12 168/194 9:38 3:13 2:37 50:04 14.4 2:36 29:25 9:30 - 1:34:20
230 Emily Smith ATHENA 231 5/13 56/114 8:33 2:51 2:08 48:38 14.8 1:35 33:31 10:49 - 1:34:26
50 Constance Carpenter F5054 232 4/11 57/114 7:57 2:39 2:31 53:27 13.5 1:48 28:45 9:17 - 1:34:29
305 Melanie Borgstadt F3034 233 9/17 58/114 10:15 3:25 2:25 49:20 14.6 2:06 30:23 9:49 - 1:34:30
22 Michelle Bass TEAM 234 8/11 8/11 6:07 2:03 0:53 1:00:54 11.8 0:36 26:03 8:25 - 1:34:34
320 Kathy Burnette F3539 235 12/23 59/114 8:47 2:56 5:32 49:58 14.4 2:03 28:29 9:12 - 1:34:50
165 Karen Marquardt F3539 236 13/23 60/114 7:35 2:32 2:56 50:22 14.3 1:28 32:50 10:36 - 1:35:11
117 Darrell Henley M3539 237 33/37 169/194 8:20 2:47 2:32 45:41 15.8 1:50 36:50 11:53 - 1:35:13
109 Valerie Griffin F5054 238 5/11 61/114 7:50 2:37 1:52 46:40 15.4 1:51 37:00 11:57 2:00 1:37:13
264 Andy Walker M4044 239 20/21 170/194 7:04 2:22 3:26 53:26 13.5 1:34 29:51 9:38 - 1:35:21
57 Crystal Coakley ATHENA 240 6/13 62/114 5:43 1:55 2:47 51:38 13.9 3:07 32:08 10:22 - 1:35:24

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