Hoosier Half-Marathon



April 8, 2017 in Bloomington, IN

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Half-Marathon - Results

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2497 Donnie Brooks M 10-19 294 7/14 226/509 1:41:39 20:52 6:44 167 1:15:02 7:31 232 26:30 8:32 427 1:41:31 7:45
434 Jamie Laughlin NO AGE 295 177/282 69/492 1:42:45 22:58 7:25 287 1:17:56 7:48 288 23:58 7:43 297 1:41:54 7:47
1765 Jeff Rosales M 40-49 296 17/89 227/509 1:42:13 23:54 7:43 367 1:18:15 7:50 301 23:40 7:37 276 1:41:55 7:47
2596 Robert Reynolds M 30-39 297 32/95 228/509 1:43:11 23:45 7:40 348 1:18:30 7:51 312 23:32 7:35 266 1:42:02 7:48
283 Sofia Mendoza NO AGE 298 178/282 70/492 1:42:26 22:51 7:23 276 1:16:24 7:39 266 25:40 8:16 403 1:42:03 7:48
323 Caroline Cappello NO AGE 299 179/282 71/492 1:42:41 23:48 7:41 356 1:18:34 7:52 315 23:33 7:35 268 1:42:07 7:48
2003 Joseph Willenborg M 30-39 300 33/95 229/509 1:42:55 23:16 7:31 311 1:17:59 7:48 292 24:13 7:48 311 1:42:12 7:49
1076 Hannah Bilotta F 20-29 301 11/148 72/492 1:43:01 23:04 7:27 294 1:18:11 7:50 297 24:02 7:44 299 1:42:13 7:49
1113 Esther Brooks-Asplund F 40-49 302 2/60 73/492 1:42:31 23:38 7:38 339 1:18:19 7:50 305 23:55 7:42 295 1:42:13 7:49
1092 Michael Bolton M 20-29 303 47/113 230/509 1:43:12 24:08 7:48 388 1:18:09 7:49 295 24:07 7:46 305 1:42:16 7:49
411 Lily Cusack NO AGE 304 180/282 74/492 1:42:32 22:59 7:25 289 1:17:58 7:48 289 24:22 7:51 319 1:42:19 7:49
298 Emily Moroz NO AGE 305 181/282 75/492 1:42:37 24:15 7:50 395 1:19:00 7:54 324 23:22 7:32 259 1:42:21 7:49
1944 Anna Truong F 20-29 306 12/148 76/492 1:42:31 23:02 7:26 293 1:18:47 7:53 319 23:37 7:36 272 1:42:23 7:49
2634 Sarah Yde F 20-29 307 13/148 77/492 1:43:11 23:17 7:31 312 1:18:18 7:50 302 24:07 7:46 304 1:42:24 7:49
2587 Jake Peters M 20-29 308 48/113 231/509 1:43:10 23:19 7:31 313 1:18:18 7:50 303 24:06 7:46 303 1:42:24 7:49
464 Cierra Haupert NO AGE 309 182/282 78/492 1:42:39 22:45 7:21 270 1:18:15 7:50 300 24:10 7:47 309 1:42:25 7:50
410 Annie Bogard NO AGE 310 183/282 79/492 1:42:38 22:58 7:25 288 1:18:10 7:49 296 24:15 7:49 315 1:42:25 7:50
1401 Sam Hill M 60-69 311 1/13 232/509 1:42:40 22:49 7:22 273 1:17:46 7:47 283 24:41 7:57 339 1:42:26 7:50
202 Sarah Garner NO AGE 312 184/282 80/492 1:42:51 22:57 7:25 283 1:18:12 7:50 298 24:26 7:52 325 1:42:37 7:50
463 Amber Ducheny NO AGE 313 185/282 81/492 1:43:30 23:04 7:27 295 1:18:30 7:51 311 24:12 7:48 310 1:42:41 7:51
2639 Michael David M 30-39 314 34/95 233/509 1:43:10 22:58 7:25 286 1:18:28 7:51 309 24:25 7:52 323 1:42:52 7:52
321 Jacob Gibson NO AGE 315 186/282 234/509 1:43:02 22:38 7:18 265 1:18:04 7:49 293 24:49 8:00 346 1:42:53 7:52
306 Madi Corda NO AGE 316 187/282 82/492 1:43:27 23:25 7:34 323 1:18:42 7:53 317 24:14 7:48 314 1:42:56 7:52
1794 Christina Schmidt F 40-49 317 3/60 83/492 1:43:13 25:31 8:14 482 1:19:30 7:57 339 23:28 7:33 265 1:42:57 7:52
327 Anya Liotta NO AGE 318 188/282 84/492 1:43:43 23:51 7:42 365 1:19:05 7:55 326 24:05 7:45 301 1:43:09 7:53
458 Bella Vice-Van Heyde NO AGE 319 189/282 85/492 1:43:42 23:24 7:33 319 1:18:22 7:51 307 24:53 8:01 350 1:43:15 7:53
1536 Jared Lorince M 20-29 320 49/113 235/509 1:43:39 23:48 7:41 355 1:18:42 7:53 316 24:35 7:55 333 1:43:16 7:53
328 Grace McStravock NO AGE 321 190/282 86/492 1:43:26 22:29 7:16 258 1:18:32 7:52 314 24:46 7:59 343 1:43:18 7:54
2628 Alex Welp M 20-29 322 50/113 236/509 1:44:05 23:49 7:41 359 1:18:51 7:54 321 24:27 7:53 328 1:43:18 7:54
293 Rajen Tandel NO AGE 323 191/282 237/509 1:44:34 24:07 7:47 383 1:19:08 7:55 328 24:14 7:48 313 1:43:21 7:54
299 Maddie O'Toole NO AGE 324 192/282 87/492 1:43:39 24:15 7:50 394 1:19:08 7:55 331 24:15 7:49 316 1:43:23 7:54
1002 Connor Abram M 20-29 325 51/113 238/509 1:44:29 24:07 7:47 384 1:18:08 7:49 294 25:24 8:11 383 1:43:32 7:55
2919 Doug Uhls M 40-49 326 18/89 239/509 1:43:59 23:27 7:34 328 1:19:29 7:57 336 24:05 7:46 302 1:43:34 7:55
358 Allison Strong NO AGE 327 193/282 88/492 1:43:58 23:15 7:30 309 1:18:59 7:54 322 24:40 7:57 337 1:43:39 7:55
374 Hannah Beitzinger NO AGE 328 194/282 89/492 1:44:25 23:27 7:34 326 1:19:09 7:55 332 24:35 7:55 332 1:43:43 7:55
2522 Greg Fisher M 40-49 329 19/89 240/509 1:43:55 22:26 7:15 255 1:19:08 7:55 329 24:37 7:56 335 1:43:45 7:56
2760 Justin Lutz M 30-39 330 35/95 241/509 1:44:15 24:46 8:00 433 1:18:44 7:53 318 25:04 8:05 356 1:43:48 7:56
375 Brittany Cain NO AGE 331 195/282 90/492 1:44:32 23:26 7:34 325 1:19:08 7:55 330 24:42 7:57 340 1:43:49 7:56
331 Jamie Taylor NO AGE 332 196/282 91/492 1:44:30 23:49 7:41 360 1:19:10 7:55 333 24:47 7:59 344 1:43:56 7:56
425 Hannah Beck NO AGE 333 197/282 92/492 1:44:47 22:59 7:25 290 1:19:00 7:54 323 24:57 8:02 353 1:43:56 7:56

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