Justice Run 5K & 10K


Return Timing Chip - www.coloradoracetiming.com


October 5, 2014 in Littleton, CO


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5K - Results

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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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63 Audrey Brown F 13-19 - - 39 3 14 26:00 8:23 26:30
2273 Moore Brennan M 13-19 - - 40 8 26 26:02 8:24 26:37
405 Daniel McCollum M 1-12 - - 41 2 27 26:02 8:24 26:04
629 aidan utesch M 13-19 - - 42 9 28 26:08 8:26 26:42
666 Sarah Wheeler F 20-29 Lakewood CO 43 2 15 26:12 8:27 26:15
284 Kati Janssen F 13-19 - - 44 4 16 26:25 8:31 26:34
552 Jessica Sausto F 30-39 - - 45 2 17 26:25 8:31 26:40
648 Ami Warner F 30-39 Aurora CO 46 3 18 26:33 8:34 26:40
325 Timothy Kirby M 60-69 - - 47 3 29 26:40 8:36 26:58
74 Edgar Carreno M 50-59 - - 48 4 30 26:43 8:37 26:47
618 Trinity Terry M 30-39 - - 49 5 31 26:43 8:37 26:53
692 Jason Zeimet M 30-39 - - 50 6 32 26:44 8:37 26:49
691 Emily Zeimet F 30-39 - - 51 4 19 26:44 8:37 26:49
1378 Louis Mancuso M 30-39 - - 52 7 33 26:45 8:38 26:53
269 Jonathan Horton M 20-29 - - 53 4 34 26:52 8:40 28:00
690 Andrew Zehler M 30-39 - - 54 8 35 27:01 8:43 27:31
247 Emily Henkel F 30-39 - - 55 5 20 27:01 8:43 27:06
673 jan wisor F 60-69 - - 56 1 21 27:01 8:43 27:08
473 JoLinda Oberly F 50-59 Littleton CO 57 1 22 27:06 8:45 28:00
1 Constance Ahrnsbrak F 70-99 - - 58 1 23 27:15 8:47 27:23
4 Christopher Allen M 40-49 - - 59 3 36 27:21 8:49 27:24
491 Matt Osness M 30-39 - - 60 9 37 27:27 8:51 27:45
371 Megan Long F 20-29 - - 61 3 24 27:33 8:53 27:36
27 Jack Barry M 70-99 Littleton CO 62 1 38 27:37 8:55 27:42
162 Logan Finch M 20-29 - - 63 5 39 27:38 8:55 27:42
87 Carson Childs M 1-12 - - 64 3 40 27:42 8:56 27:45
394 jeff martin M 70-99 Naples FL 65 2 41 27:44 8:57 27:52
601 Michael Stamper M 20-29 - - 66 6 42 27:45 8:57 28:04
439 Landrey Moore F 13-19 - - 67 5 25 27:56 9:01 28:25
490 Amanda Osness F 30-39 - - 68 6 26 27:58 9:01 28:16
52 Nicole Bogle F 30-39 - - 69 7 27 28:07 9:04 28:13
44 Jennifer Black F 30-39 - - 70 8 28 28:14 9:06 28:35
507 Caitlin Polasek F 20-29 - - 71 4 29 28:16 9:07 28:31
606 Nick Sumervill M 13-19 - - 72 10 43 28:16 9:07 28:36
245 Lyssa Heimbecher F 30-39 - - 73 9 30 28:17 9:07 28:21
584 Christopher Sisneros M 1-12 - - 74 4 44 28:17 9:07 28:44
628 Kim Trenbath F 30-39 - - 75 10 31 28:17 9:07 28:47
138 Melanie Dubin F 20-29 - - 76 5 32 28:18 9:08 28:23
227 Logan Hammersmith M 1-12 - - 77 5 45 28:23 9:09 28:37
301 Peter Joyce M 13-19 - - 78 11 46 28:25 9:10 28:41

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