Ganzo's Cinco de Mayo 5K - 2024



May 4, 2024 in Davenport, IA


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5K - Results

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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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77 Leslie Sampson F4549 224 10/49 82/494 30:07
731 Franklin L. Reyes II M5054 225 15/27 143/277 30:14
629 El Ryan Vaughn M4044 226 23/40 144/277 30:15
551 Amelia Leiby F1519 227 6/13 83/494 30:16
550 Al Leiby M4044 228 24/40 145/277 30:16
237 Ted Galvin M5054 229 16/27 146/277 30:16
269 Bryan Doty M5054 230 17/27 147/277 30:17
353 Maggie McDonald F2024 231 9/30 84/494 30:17
346 Elaine Claude F5559 232 6/48 85/494 30:21
365 Hannah Gray F3539 233 13/69 86/494 30:24
780 Michael Smith M2529 234 21/37 148/277 30:25
275 Teah Orozco F2529 235 9/49 87/494 30:25
388 Murphy Simms M3034 236 16/28 149/277 30:26
425 Audrina Shuford F1519 237 7/13 88/494 30:27
833 Brandon Zetina M2529 238 22/37 150/277 30:27
387 Liz Simms F3034 239 15/58 89/494 30:27
568 Adrian Perez M4549 240 19/29 151/277 30:37
641 Dane Brandmeyer M3034 241 17/28 152/277 30:45
832 Carol Windmiller F4044 242 10/43 90/494 30:47
612 Kayla Meister F3034 243 16/58 91/494 30:48
28 Kim McCubbin M6064 244 4/15 153/277 30:52
367 Jessica Long F3539 245 14/69 92/494 30:54
478 Ashley Kutmas - 246 0/0 93/494 30:56
447 Emma Elceser F2024 247 10/30 94/494 30:57
444 Brittany Zahn F2529 248 10/49 95/494 30:57
774 Luke Lemay M2529 249 23/37 154/277 30:57
584 Aeralyn Lawrence F0114 250 5/13 96/494 30:58
369 Lucas Terveer M2529 251 24/37 155/277 30:58
688 Matthew Yungen M3539 252 24/36 156/277 30:59
224 Dana Mirocha F3034 253 17/58 97/494 31:00
185 Liam Kropf M0114 254 3/10 157/277 31:02
180 Kelsey Kropf F3539 255 15/69 98/494 31:03
445 Samuel Goke M2529 256 25/37 158/277 31:05
358 Karmen Wilkinson F5559 257 7/48 99/494 31:08
627 Alex Hogue M3034 258 18/28 159/277 31:09
740 Trish Froeschle F6064 259 3/40 100/494 31:12
806 Benjamin Ibarra M4044 260 25/40 160/277 31:18
352 Olivia Cantu F2024 261 11/30 101/494 31:19
835 Angelica Bridges F4044 262 11/43 102/494 31:27
267 Chris Payne M5054 263 18/27 161/277 31:27

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