Scream Scram

5K Run/Walk Results

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October 21, 2011 in Denver, CO

Results By

5K Run/Walk Results - Results

Charts and Stats
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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
number of records per page: [10] [25] [all]

245 Jordan Fleming F1319 279 6/7 171/212 39:58 40:24 12:54
226 Caitlin Estill F0112 280 19/20 172/212 39:57 40:24 12:54
1194 Unknown Wagner F 281 4/7 173/212 39:29 40:47 12:44
940 Emily Wytiaz F3039 282 59/71 174/212 39:28 40:47 12:44
1005 Colleen Moore F3039 283 60/71 175/212 39:50 40:54 12:51
875 David Tingley M0112 284 15/17 106/120 40:40 41:02 13:07
1180 Elena Herron F2029 285 42/48 176/212 40:51 41:08 13:11
876 Jeff Tingley M3039 286 26/31 107/120 41:14 41:36 13:18
824 Linda Starbuck F5059 287 12/13 177/212 41:21 41:38 13:21
530 Erica Loppnow F3039 288 61/71 178/212 41:26 41:46 13:22
531 Stephen Loppnow M3039 289 27/31 108/120 41:26 41:46 13:22
1125 Atrelle Jones F5059 290 13/13 179/212 40:54 41:51 13:12
348 Dave Haucke M4049 291 24/25 109/120 40:29 42:06 13:04
828 Rich Stein M6069 292 5/6 110/120 41:43 42:17 13:28
699 Rebecca Reese F4049 293 31/36 180/212 42:34 43:05 13:44
119 Dawn Carter F6069 294 5/9 181/212 43:26 43:34 14:01
1344 Cassidy Grutsch F2029 295 43/48 182/212 43:43 44:00 14:07
1182 Liz Canada F2029 296 44/48 183/212 43:54 44:10 14:10
1181 Nicole Tapp F3039 297 62/71 184/212 43:53 44:11 14:10
1096 Joseph Ingelhart M1319 298 5/5 111/120 43:45 44:32 14:07
900 Andrea Walsh F4049 299 32/36 185/212 43:41 44:36 14:06
839 Cherie Straub F4049 300 33/36 186/212 45:01 45:06 14:32
247 Stacy Fleming F3039 301 63/71 187/212 45:15 45:42 14:36
1126 Stephen Jones M6069 302 6/6 112/120 44:51 45:49 14:28
1093 Anita Levinson F4049 303 34/36 188/212 46:02 46:14 14:51
654 Nancy Orcutt F6069 304 6/9 189/212 47:00 47:12 15:10
569 Diane Mazzitelli F6069 305 7/9 190/212 47:45 48:11 15:25
746 Lynn Scharinger F6069 306 8/9 191/212 48:00 48:33 15:29
886 Natalie Tucker F3039 307 64/71 192/212 48:05 49:06 15:31
98 Gina Burrell F3039 308 65/71 193/212 49:14 50:34 15:53
963 Greg Vochis M3039 309 28/31 113/120 49:17 50:49 15:54
1358 Tim Bonura M3039 310 29/31 114/120 50:13 51:31 16:12
964 Lisa Bernhardt F3039 311 66/71 194/212 50:34 51:58 16:19
655 Andrew O'Reilly M3039 312 30/31 115/120 53:14 53:43 17:11
656 Fiona O'Reilly F0112 313 20/20 195/212 53:14 53:44 17:11
936 Sarah Wood F 314 5/7 196/212 54:25 54:25 17:34
444 Nicole Kerr F2029 315 45/48 197/212 53:31 54:25 17:16
937 Zachary Wood M0112 316 16/17 116/120 54:13 55:08 17:30
923 Ruby Wilbur F70UP 317 1/1 198/212 54:19 55:15 17:32
901 Rosalee Wanchisen F6069 318 9/9 199/212 54:56 55:26 17:43

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