5K Run


October 28, 2017 in Palatine, IL


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5K Run - Results

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displaying: 1 - 28 of 28
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49 Shannon Nunez F30-34 631 51/57 360/384 1:00:17 19:25
716 Jess Tully F25-29 632 55/55 361/384 1:00:43 19:33
556 Amy Roller F45-49 633 35/40 362/384 1:00:48 19:34
50 Jennifer Pieper F40-44 634 56/58 363/384 1:00:48 19:35
609 Andrea Meyer F45-49 635 36/40 364/384 1:01:12 19:42
747 Marisa Martinez F30-34 636 52/57 365/384 1:01:13 19:43
406 Amanda Cervenka F30-34 637 53/57 366/384 1:01:21 19:45
786 Sarah Middendorf F35-39 638 49/53 367/384 1:01:22 19:45
408 Hannah Zimmermann F30-34 639 54/57 368/384 1:01:22 19:46
407 Elizabeth Kelliher F30-34 640 55/57 369/384 1:01:23 19:46
355 Gina Reedy F30-34 641 56/57 370/384 1:01:24 19:46
409 Natalie White F35-39 642 50/53 371/384 1:01:25 19:46
356 Rebecca Reedy F30-34 643 57/57 372/384 1:01:25 19:46
608 Janette Rosario F40-44 644 57/58 373/384 1:02:38 20:10
612 Sean McGuire M30-34 645 35/35 272/274 1:02:39 20:10
615 Tina Pade F45-49 646 37/40 374/384 1:02:40 20:11
749 Elizabeth Ruiz F35-39 647 51/53 375/384 1:02:40 20:11
254 Lauren Brancato F35-39 648 52/53 376/384 1:03:38 20:29
253 Karen Jesse F35-39 649 53/53 377/384 1:03:38 20:29
624 Joanne Miller F65-69 650 6/6 378/384 1:05:15 21:00
582 Christina Brown F01-10 651 8/8 379/384 1:05:33 21:06
581 Chloe Brown F11-14 652 19/19 380/384 1:05:58 21:14
724 Chris Fischer F45-49 653 38/40 381/384 1:06:06 21:17
91 Susan Feddersen F45-49 654 39/40 382/384 1:06:06 21:17
439 Katie Tallman F45-49 655 40/40 383/384 1:06:30 21:24
750 Matthew Tallman M40-44 656 30/30 273/274 1:06:30 21:25
440 Liam Tallman M11-14 657 25/25 274/274 1:06:31 21:25
280 Heidi Laird F40-44 658 58/58 384/384 1:06:56 21:33

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