FIBArk Tenderfoot Hill Climb

Hill Climb Results


June 17, 2010 in Salida, CO

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Hill Climb Results - Results

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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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81 Glenn Faizal M16UP 8 7/67 8/98 9:02 13:42 13:40
12 Jacob Adamson M0115 9 2/31 9/98 8:50 13:48 13:48
80 John Kipper M16UP 10 8/67 10/98 8:24 13:50 13:50
72 Evan Schehrer M0115 11 3/31 11/98 9:06 14:05 14:04
104 Cory Munsch M0115 12 4/31 12/98 9:12 14:09 14:07
66 Cully Brown M0115 13 5/31 13/98 9:11 14:18 14:17
98 Bryan Johnson M16UP 14 9/67 14/98 9:33 14:24 14:24
100 Michael Bennet M16UP 15 10/67 15/98 8:30 14:30 14:29
124 Todd Armstrong M16UP 16 11/67 16/98 8:54 14:48 14:47
25 Jim Anderegg M16UP 17 12/67 17/98 9:38 14:56 14:56
61 Jacob Weiss M16UP 18 13/67 18/98 10:04 15:13 15:13
56 Tyler Foos M16UP 19 14/67 19/98 9:18 15:14 15:14
85 Matthew Rhoads M16UP 20 15/67 20/98 9:41 15:22 15:22
57 Brandon Smith M0115 21 6/31 21/98 10:01 15:35 15:35
103 Casey Munsch M0115 22 7/31 22/98 9:56 15:37 15:35
125 Ben Lara M16UP 23 16/67 23/98 9:19 15:41 15:40
10 Taylor Stack M0115 24 8/31 24/98 9:25 15:43 15:43
78 Dylan Coe M0115 25 9/31 25/98 10:27 15:52 15:52
102 John Munsch M16UP 26 17/67 26/98 9:55 15:54 15:53
58 David Remington M16UP 27 18/67 27/98 9:31 15:56 15:56
48 Brian Kates M16UP 28 19/67 28/98 9:16 15:58 15:58
24 David Larochelle M16UP 29 20/67 29/98 10:17 16:16 16:16
76 Don Reimer M16UP 30 21/67 30/98 10:15 16:22 16:22
77 James Ridley M16UP 31 22/67 31/98 10:18 16:25 16:25
40 Michael Wolf M16UP 32 23/67 32/98 10:13 16:26 16:26
13 Elliott Riest M16UP 33 24/67 33/98 10:57 16:27 16:27
42 Jerry Fesenmeyer M16UP 34 25/67 34/98 10:25 16:33 16:32
120 Gary Lacy M16UP 35 26/67 35/98 9:46 16:39 16:39
140 Brandi Tauer F16UP 36 1/23 1/40 10:20 16:43 16:40
11 Sarah Hudelson F16UP 37 2/23 2/40 10:34 16:47 16:44
139 Stefani Messica F0115 38 1/17 3/40 10:28 16:45 16:44
17 Greg Policky M16UP 39 27/67 36/98 9:59 16:46 16:45
62 Calelb Johnson M0115 40 10/31 37/98 10:41 16:54 16:53
107 Tyler Stowell M0115 41 11/31 38/98 10:35 16:56 16:56
119 Ryan Stowell M16UP 42 28/67 39/98 10:40 16:56 16:56
87 Ahe Reid M16UP 43 29/67 40/98 10:33 16:58 16:57
50 Jake Schoenfeld M0115 44 12/31 41/98 10:25 17:00 17:00
117 Tito Heiderer M16UP 45 30/67 42/98 10:44 17:10 17:10
91 Kadden Sites M0115 46 13/31 43/98 11:56 17:25 17:25
118 Cole Mayer M16UP 47 31/67 44/98 11:19 17:30 17:30

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