Prefontaine Memorial Run

10K Overall - Results

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863 Jeremy Wardman M3539 265 18/43 200/421 54:04 8:42
768 Amanda Rudd F2024 266 10/33 66/420 54:05 8:43
710 Bryce Armknecht M2024 267 19/33 201/421 54:05 8:43
73 Don Granger M5054 268 13/29 202/421 54:09 8:43
257 Shelby Waterman F1014 269 6/24 67/420 54:15 8:44
414 Roy Brainard M5054 270 14/29 203/421 54:16 8:44
655 Rachel Merrifield F4044 271 3/45 68/420 54:16 8:44
222 Dana Stone M6064 272 9/23 204/421 54:19 8:45
843 Jason Green M3034 273 18/37 205/421 54:21 8:45
642 Alexandrea Standridge F2024 274 11/33 69/420 54:25 8:46
854 Blake Young M1014 275 23/35 206/421 54:29 8:46
586 Mark Stanton M3034 276 19/37 207/421 54:36 8:48
838 Dan Kintner M2529 277 19/36 208/421 54:41 8:48
585 Amie Edwards F3539 278 10/49 70/420 54:41 8:48
812 Brian Mahoney M3034 279 20/37 209/421 54:42 8:49
45 Thomas Tierney M5559 280 15/24 210/421 54:42 8:49
929 Larry Workman M4044 281 17/34 211/421 54:45 8:49
494 Michelle Collicott F4044 282 4/45 71/420 54:45 8:49
379 Chris Currie M3539 283 19/43 212/421 54:47 8:49
916 Mallory Pennington F2529 284 7/38 72/420 54:50 8:50
466 Adam Urban M1519 285 39/50 213/421 54:53 8:50
68 Tricia Hutton F4044 286 5/45 73/420 54:56 8:51
198 Tristan Dahl F1519 287 9/38 74/420 54:58 8:51
213 Genevieve Weber F3034 288 12/53 75/420 55:01 8:52
83 Bruce Petterson M6569 289 3/22 214/421 55:03 8:52
259 Lia Pendzick F3034 290 13/53 76/420 55:09 8:53
49 Heather Emmerich F4549 291 7/38 77/420 55:10 8:53
792 Anthony Kenyon M6569 292 4/22 215/421 55:12 8:53
435 Doug Nelson M4044 293 18/34 216/421 55:16 8:54
732 Parker Stocker F1014 294 7/24 78/420 55:16 8:54
930 Mark Deane M1519 295 40/50 217/421 55:18 8:54
564 Kameron Stevens M2024 296 20/33 218/421 55:24 8:55
857 Luke Reynolds M3034 297 21/37 219/421 55:28 8:56
718 Crystal Dean F1519 298 10/38 79/420 55:29 8:56
500 Jan Tarr F5559 299 4/34 80/420 55:29 8:56
606 Ross Acker M3539 300 20/43 220/421 55:29 8:56
888 Ella Fish F3034 301 14/53 81/420 55:31 8:57
112 Cindylou Thompson F5054 302 6/28 82/420 55:32 8:57
136 Maria Alcaraz F1519 303 11/38 83/420 55:40 8:58
119 Jill Davidson F3539 304 11/49 84/420 55:41 8:58

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