Prefontaine Memorial Run

10K Overall - Results

Charts and Stats
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displaying: 1 - 29 of 29
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263 Sam Friedman M5054 44 1/29 40/421 43:11 6:57
184 Ron Potter M5054 47 2/29 42/421 43:37 7:02
861 Gary Lacasse M5054 56 3/29 50/421 44:25 7:09
506 Mark Gagnon M5054 78 4/29 69/421 45:54 7:24
749 Grant Brown M5054 99 5/29 85/421 46:55 7:33
132 Phillip Harris M5054 114 6/29 97/421 47:48 7:42
548 Bradley Morse M5054 117 7/29 100/421 47:59 7:44
395 Keith Minor M5054 121 8/29 103/421 48:12 7:46
317 Douglas Shupe M5054 155 9/29 127/421 49:49 8:02
298 Terry Bradetich M5054 198 10/29 159/421 51:42 8:20
634 Jim Taylor M5054 213 11/29 168/421 52:16 8:25
245 Chris Young M5054 253 12/29 190/421 53:53 8:41
73 Don Granger M5054 268 13/29 202/421 54:09 8:43
414 Roy Brainard M5054 270 14/29 203/421 54:16 8:44
590 Jerry Gross M5054 323 15/29 229/421 56:29 9:06
806 Gregg Autcheson M5054 327 16/29 232/421 56:46 9:09
48 Doug Emmerich M5054 383 17/29 253/421 59:11 9:32
264 Mark Martens M5054 421 18/29 269/421 1:00:53 9:48
159 Douglas Strain M5054 439 19/29 278/421 1:01:45 9:57
41 Paul Brown M5054 445 20/29 281/421 1:02:03 10:00
314 John Qualman M5054 536 21/29 315/421 1:07:53 10:56
354 Tom Anderson M5054 580 22/29 332/421 1:10:32 11:21
851 Bruce Sherman M5054 614 23/29 342/421 1:12:50 11:44
130 Mark Bond M5054 637 24/29 353/421 1:14:31 12:00
578 John Sevier M5054 642 25/29 355/421 1:15:01 12:05
900 Aron Boesl M5054 663 26/29 363/421 1:17:26 12:28
524 Morrie Ghattas M5054 679 27/29 371/421 1:19:25 12:47
696 Tracy Ebbert M5054 807 28/29 403/421 1:40:25 16:10
392 John Rush M5054 810 29/29 404/421 1:40:55 16:15

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