Evansville YMCA 15k Warm-Up Run

15k Run and Walk


September 5, 2015 in Evansville, IN

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15k Run and Walk - Results

Charts and Stats
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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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462 Bert Staib M 50-54 56 3/28 49/280 1:14:14 7:58
146 Lindsey Fetter F 30-34 57 3/63 8/423 1:14:30 8:00
281 Christopher Lejman M 45-49 58 5/27 50/280 1:14:41 8:01
270 Chad Koch M 30-34 59 8/26 51/280 1:14:45 8:01
891 Patty Balbach F 55-59 60 1/40 9/423 1:14:47 8:01
477 Ken Thomas M 45-49 61 6/27 52/280 1:14:47 8:01
846 Cade Ott M 10-14 62 1/2 53/280 1:15:08 8:04
381 Bryan Perry M 45-49 63 7/27 54/280 1:15:20 8:05
370 Lyle Oxley M 40-44 64 6/43 55/280 1:15:32 8:06
226 Leah Hoffherr F 35-39 65 4/52 10/423 1:15:37 8:07
74 Levi Burkett M 30-34 66 9/26 56/280 1:15:40 8:07
784 Randy Lipking M 60-64 67 2/19 57/280 1:15:44 8:07
780 Derek Lappe M 25-29 68 9/23 58/280 1:15:44 8:08
902 Stephen Orsburn M 40-44 69 7/43 59/280 1:15:47 8:08
178 Chad Goldsmith M 35-39 70 12/32 60/280 1:16:23 8:12
713 Luis Bush M 20-24 71 4/11 61/280 1:16:37 8:13
5 Stacy Ahola M 45-49 72 8/27 62/280 1:16:38 8:13
305 Kim Martin F 40-44 73 1/60 11/423 1:16:51 8:15
376 Kathryn Parker F 40-44 74 2/60 12/423 1:16:58 8:15
876 Marissa Bunner F 25-29 75 1/39 13/423 1:17:05 8:16
297 Lauren MacKey F 30-34 76 4/63 14/423 1:17:08 8:16
40 Mark Bassett M 40-44 77 8/43 63/280 1:17:08 8:17
164 Reich Gapasin M 35-39 78 13/32 64/280 1:17:14 8:17
404 Jason Reffett M 60-64 79 3/19 65/280 1:17:24 8:18
17 Tony Armstrong M 40-44 80 9/43 66/280 1:17:35 8:19
600 Danny Matthews M 40-44 81 10/43 67/280 1:17:47 8:21
99 Bruce Collins M 35-39 82 14/32 68/280 1:17:56 8:22
235 Scott Ingram M 40-44 83 11/43 69/280 1:17:57 8:22
52 David Bosecker M 55-59 84 6/45 70/280 1:18:17 8:24
209 John Hedges M 35-39 85 15/32 71/280 1:18:23 8:25
148 Ginny Floyd F 55-59 86 2/40 15/423 1:18:26 8:25
766 David Housman M 55-59 87 7/45 72/280 1:18:27 8:25
909 Noah Reich M 15-19 88 2/2 73/280 1:18:43 8:27
498 Brad Waller M 45-49 89 9/27 74/280 1:18:43 8:27
236 Jarin Jaffee M 35-39 90 16/32 75/280 1:18:52 8:28
139 Randy Edwards M 65-69 91 2/17 76/280 1:18:52 8:28
54 Chad Bottoms M 40-44 92 12/43 77/280 1:19:02 8:29
385 Cao Pham M 55-59 93 8/45 78/280 1:19:12 8:30
735 Molly Elfreich F 30-34 94 5/63 16/423 1:19:22 8:31
748 Sydney Given F 10-14 95 1/1 17/423 1:19:32 8:32

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