Prefontaine Memorial Run

10K Overall - Results

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615 Wendy Davis F3539 234 9/49 53/420 53:08 8:33
675 Tom Hull M5559 235 13/24 182/421 53:10 8:34
717 Ally Ward F1519 236 8/38 54/420 53:10 8:34
366 Tyana Plinski F4549 237 3/38 55/420 53:12 8:34
336 Debbie Bassett F4549 238 4/38 56/420 53:12 8:34
513 Todd Landsberg M3539 239 15/43 183/421 53:13 8:34
430 Teagan Seiger F2024 240 5/33 57/420 53:13 8:34
811 Hailie Huffman F2024 241 6/33 58/420 53:19 8:35
884 David Hernandez M3539 242 16/43 184/421 53:20 8:35
549 Alessandra Hoosley F2024 243 7/33 59/420 53:20 8:35
643 Benjamin Morris M3539 244 17/43 185/421 53:25 8:36
622 Kelley Kristensen F4549 245 5/38 60/420 53:30 8:37
62 Sheila Iverson F5054 246 5/28 61/420 53:36 8:38
603 Brittany Winfrey F2024 247 8/33 62/420 53:38 8:38
639 George Artsitas M2529 248 17/36 186/421 53:43 8:39
370 Luke Rector M3034 249 17/37 187/421 53:48 8:40
480 Amanda Leslie F2529 250 6/38 63/420 53:49 8:40
4 William Burress M4549 251 14/26 188/421 53:50 8:40
495 Mike Odekirk M4549 252 15/26 189/421 53:53 8:41
245 Chris Young M5054 253 12/29 190/421 53:53 8:41
282 Don Dixon M5559 254 14/24 191/421 53:53 8:41
834 Ammon Smith M1014 255 22/35 192/421 53:54 8:41
485 Charles Grimes M1519 256 37/50 193/421 53:55 8:41
656 John Greif F4549 257 6/38 64/420 53:55 8:41
218 Michael Sperling M2529 258 18/36 194/421 53:55 8:41
886 Jian Giglia M2024 259 17/33 195/421 53:56 8:41
887 Nikki Leeman F2024 260 9/33 65/420 53:56 8:41
427 Russ Dodge M6064 261 7/23 196/421 53:56 8:41
802 Joseph Logan M2024 262 18/33 197/421 53:59 8:42
82 Randy Pearce M6064 263 8/23 198/421 54:03 8:42
514 Christopher New M1519 264 38/50 199/421 54:04 8:42
863 Jeremy Wardman M3539 265 18/43 200/421 54:04 8:42
768 Amanda Rudd F2024 266 10/33 66/420 54:05 8:43
710 Bryce Armknecht M2024 267 19/33 201/421 54:05 8:43
73 Don Granger M5054 268 13/29 202/421 54:09 8:43
257 Shelby Waterman F1014 269 6/24 67/420 54:15 8:44
414 Roy Brainard M5054 270 14/29 203/421 54:16 8:44
655 Rachel Merrifield F4044 271 3/45 68/420 54:16 8:44
222 Dana Stone M6064 272 9/23 204/421 54:19 8:45
843 Jason Green M3034 273 18/37 205/421 54:21 8:45

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