Freedom Run 5K

1 Mile


August 7, 2014 in East Moline, IL

Results By

1 Mile - Results

Charts and Stats
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displaying: 1 - 25 of 25
number of records per page: [10] [all]

734 Aria Fix FMALE 4 1/16 1/16 6:18 6:18
1005 Isaac Graf MALE 5 4/12 4/12 6:24 6:24
89 Charlie Hornaday MALE 6 5/12 5/12 7:04 7:04
91 Michele Hall FMALE 7 2/16 2/16 7:05 7:05
426 Brooke Vandamme FMALE 8 3/16 3/16 7:17 7:17
704 Emilio Cortez MALE 9 6/12 6/12 7:21 7:21
733 Kay Metzgar FMALE 10 4/16 4/16 7:21 7:21
609 Keyona Brown FMALE 11 5/16 5/16 7:25 7:25
705 Jonas Cortez MALE 12 7/12 7/12 7:26 7:26
755 Cody Powell MALE 13 8/12 8/12 8:15 8:15
764 Ty Hahn MALE 14 9/12 9/12 8:31 8:31
949 Johnny Baker MALE 15 10/12 10/12 9:38 9:38
1078 Skylar Markin FMALE 16 6/16 6/16 11:06 11:06
1077 Neeonia Wick-Markin FMALE 17 7/16 7/16 11:25 11:25
341 Cheryl Priebe FMALE 18 8/16 8/16 12:26 12:26
1074 Denise Jerson FMALE 19 9/16 9/16 12:42 12:42
191 Morgan Martin FMALE 20 10/16 10/16 12:46 12:46
190 Arisa Martin FMALE 21 11/16 11/16 12:46 12:46
643 Stephanie Alaniz FMALE 22 12/16 12/16 13:35 13:35
640 Pebbles Puentes FMALE 23 13/16 13/16 13:35 13:35
267 Jean Ward FMALE 24 14/16 14/16 14:23 14:23
266 Keith Ward MALE 25 11/12 11/12 14:23 14:23
759 Kellan Powell MALE 26 12/12 12/12 14:24 14:24
308 Elvia Goins FMALE 27 15/16 15/16 14:37 14:37
903 Leah Henson FMALE 28 16/16 16/16 15:19 15:19

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