Hoosier Half-Marathon



April 8, 2017 in Bloomington, IN

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1521 Joseph Leffel M 40-49 961 87/89 499/509 2:54:59 34:59 11:18 928 2:07:36 12:46 949 45:34 14:40 965 2:53:10 13:14
1383 Bryan Heck M 20-29 962 111/113 500/509 2:56:22 32:55 10:37 882 2:04:26 12:27 928 49:10 15:50 982 2:53:35 13:15
2622 Matthew Tucker NO AGE 963 282/282 501/509 2:54:22 - - - - - - - - - 2:54:22 13:19
1797 Brieanne Schoch F 30-39 964 87/92 463/492 2:57:02 35:15 11:23 929 2:11:35 13:10 961 43:11 13:54 950 2:54:45 13:21
1874 Ethan Steinbach M 20-29 965 112/113 502/509 2:57:22 38:45 12:30 973 2:18:23 13:51 975 36:29 11:45 858 2:54:52 13:21
1700 Elizabeth Pfotenhauer F 20-29 966 140/148 464/492 2:57:21 38:48 12:31 975 2:18:24 13:51 976 36:29 11:45 857 2:54:52 13:21
1588 Kimberly Meyer F 40-49 967 51/60 465/492 2:56:52 38:34 12:27 971 2:15:27 13:33 970 39:30 12:43 913 2:54:56 13:22
1723 Nicole Privett F 30-39 968 88/92 466/492 2:57:18 35:35 11:29 932 - - - - - - 2:55:28 13:24
1402 Allison Hillebrand F 30-39 969 89/92 467/492 2:57:18 35:36 11:29 934 2:07:26 12:45 948 48:03 15:28 981 2:55:28 13:24
2510 Tandy Crespo F 40-49 970 52/60 468/492 2:57:54 39:22 12:42 979 2:13:06 13:19 963 42:54 13:49 948 2:56:00 13:27
1170 Keith Cotropia M 50-59 971 42/45 503/509 2:58:03 37:12 12:00 955 2:13:28 13:21 964 43:02 13:51 949 2:56:29 13:29
1738 Sashary Ramos F 20-29 972 141/148 469/492 2:58:50 37:46 12:11 966 2:11:41 13:11 962 45:10 14:33 961 2:56:51 13:30
1147 Laura Castleman F 20-29 973 142/148 470/492 3:00:09 36:38 11:49 944 2:14:25 13:27 968 43:57 14:09 956 2:58:22 13:37
1957 Santee Vasquez F 40-49 974 53/60 471/492 3:00:43 39:34 12:46 980 2:15:15 13:32 969 43:34 14:02 953 2:58:48 13:39
2558 Denise Liss F 60-69 975 3/5 472/492 3:01:02 39:22 12:42 978 2:15:33 13:34 972 43:35 14:02 954 2:59:08 13:41
1306 Liberty Geers F 20-29 976 143/148 473/492 3:01:07 37:38 12:09 960 2:14:04 13:25 967 45:05 14:31 959 2:59:09 13:41
1307 Rogan Geers M 20-29 977 113/113 504/509 3:01:07 37:39 12:09 961 2:14:04 13:25 966 45:06 14:31 960 2:59:09 13:41
1758 Jennifer Roberts F 40-49 978 54/60 474/492 3:01:19 37:54 12:14 968 2:13:39 13:22 965 45:45 14:44 966 2:59:23 13:42
1009 Garvin Adamson M 50-59 979 43/45 505/509 3:01:10 36:47 11:52 948 2:10:42 13:05 958 49:10 15:50 983 2:59:52 13:44
1939 Sahithya Thota F 20-29 980 144/148 475/492 3:01:58 37:12 12:00 953 2:15:40 13:34 973 44:31 14:20 958 3:00:10 13:46
1761 Ella Robinson F 10-19 981 23/23 476/492 3:03:12 38:32 12:26 970 2:15:28 13:33 971 45:48 14:45 967 3:01:16 13:51
1405 Kaitlin Hinz F 20-29 982 145/148 477/492 3:03:16 43:07 13:55 992 2:20:01 14:01 979 41:21 13:19 938 3:01:22 13:51
2570 Rhonda Michael F 30-39 983 90/92 478/492 3:04:25 37:12 12:00 954 2:15:53 13:36 974 46:44 15:03 972 3:02:37 13:57
1217 Bridgette Dreher F 30-39 984 91/92 479/492 3:07:11 38:47 12:31 974 2:18:25 13:51 977 46:19 14:55 971 3:04:43 14:07
2633 Stephen Witting M 50-59 985 44/45 506/509 3:10:15 43:32 14:03 993 2:24:59 14:30 985 43:22 13:58 951 3:08:21 14:23
2502 Linda Chambers F 60-69 986 4/5 480/492 3:11:51 42:27 13:42 990 2:25:41 14:35 986 43:54 14:08 955 3:09:34 14:29
1169 Karen Cosby F 60-69 987 5/5 481/492 3:11:45 38:57 12:34 976 2:19:00 13:54 978 50:52 16:23 987 3:09:51 14:30
1150 Jade Chaffin F 20-29 988 146/148 482/492 3:12:03 41:43 13:28 987 2:20:39 14:04 980 50:05 16:08 985 3:10:43 14:34
1776 Melody Russell F 40-49 989 55/60 483/492 3:12:12 40:02 12:55 983 2:21:44 14:11 982 49:15 15:52 984 3:10:59 14:35
1189 Jeff Davenport M 50-59 990 45/45 507/509 3:14:49 42:27 13:42 989 2:26:38 14:40 987 45:49 14:45 968 3:12:27 14:42
2533 De Curtis Grooms M 40-49 991 88/89 508/509 3:14:52 42:28 13:42 991 2:26:43 14:41 988 45:53 14:46 969 3:12:36 14:43
1050 Melanee Banks F 40-49 992 56/60 484/492 3:14:17 39:18 12:41 977 2:22:42 14:17 984 51:11 16:29 988 3:13:52 14:48
1742 Jeannie Rappold F 40-49 993 57/60 485/492 3:17:05 44:06 14:14 996 2:27:22 14:45 990 47:31 15:18 978 3:14:52 14:53
1173 Jay Coy M 40-49 994 89/89 509/509 3:17:05 44:06 14:14 997 2:27:21 14:45 989 47:33 15:19 979 3:14:53 14:53
1898 Aubrey Sublette F 30-39 995 92/92 486/492 3:15:44 41:27 13:22 985 2:21:32 14:10 981 53:33 17:14 990 3:15:04 14:54
1152 Bee Chang F 20-29 996 147/148 487/492 3:18:12 38:35 12:27 972 2:22:00 14:12 983 54:14 17:28 991 3:16:14 14:59
1029 Alexis Angel F 20-29 997 148/148 488/492 3:21:08 44:44 14:26 998 - - - - - - 3:19:18 15:13
1414 Melissa Holloway F 40-49 998 58/60 489/492 3:32:23 46:21 14:57 1002 2:39:42 15:59 992 50:10 16:09 986 3:29:51 16:02
1028 Stephanie Angel F 40-49 999 59/60 490/492 3:34:46 45:47 14:47 999 2:39:52 16:00 993 53:04 17:05 989 3:32:56 16:16
1599 Dallas Millican F 50-59 1000 22/22 491/492 3:37:01 46:16 14:56 1000 2:37:45 15:47 991 57:03 18:22 993 3:34:48 16:24

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