Prefontaine Memorial Run

10K Overall - Results

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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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685 Misty Green F3034 799 52/53 397/420 1:39:26 16:01
107 Debbie Withers F5559 800 31/34 398/420 1:39:26 16:01
92 Katrina Harris F6064 801 23/27 399/420 1:39:29 16:01
595 Patsy Klutinglucas F6064 802 24/27 400/420 1:39:37 16:02
617 Kathe McNutt F6064 803 25/27 401/420 1:39:48 16:04
74 Nancy Leshley F4044 804 43/45 402/420 1:39:52 16:05
432 Marilyn Wilson F5559 805 32/34 403/420 1:40:01 16:06
635 Helen Mineau F6064 806 26/27 404/420 1:40:25 16:10
696 Tracy Ebbert M5054 807 28/29 403/421 1:40:25 16:10
332 Cherie Reber F4549 808 35/38 405/420 1:40:28 16:11
559 Katy Fox F4044 809 44/45 406/420 1:40:51 16:14
392 John Rush M5054 810 29/29 404/421 1:40:55 16:15
400 Michelle Russell F5054 811 26/28 407/420 1:41:22 16:19
399 Marna Tippin F7074 812 2/2 408/420 1:41:23 16:19
329 Jerry Vanderhoff M6064 813 22/23 405/421 1:42:00 16:25
208 David Bertapelle M7074 814 13/13 406/421 1:42:39 16:32
844 Brent Nielsen M6064 815 23/23 407/421 1:43:38 16:41
192 Carroll Armstrong F4549 816 36/38 409/420 1:44:18 16:48
217 Kimberly Gildroy F4549 817 37/38 410/420 1:44:19 16:48
928 Rsantin Olivas M2529 818 35/36 408/421 1:44:40 16:51
926 Anthony Gantenbein M2024 819 29/33 409/421 1:44:41 16:51
437 Debra Tootell F5054 820 27/28 411/420 1:44:57 16:54
114 Verl Rand M7579 821 7/7 410/421 1:45:46 17:02
683 Leanna Olson F6064 822 27/27 412/420 1:46:49 17:12
682 David Olson M6569 823 22/22 411/421 1:46:51 17:12
862 Steven Crocker M1014 824 35/35 412/421 1:47:14 17:16
289 Debra Enright F4549 825 38/38 413/420 1:48:30 17:28
288 Carol McKinley F4044 826 45/45 414/420 1:48:31 17:28
344 Conner Middendorff M0109 827 4/4 413/421 1:49:40 17:39
758 Jessica Bell F3034 828 53/53 415/420 1:50:45 17:50
878 Jimmy Lay M2024 829 30/33 414/421 1:51:29 17:57
881 Eric Saunders M2529 830 36/36 415/421 1:51:33 17:57
882 Gerald Caskey M3034 831 37/37 416/421 1:51:33 17:58
883 Mychal Berry M2024 832 31/33 417/421 1:51:34 17:58
877 Michael Webster M2024 833 32/33 418/421 1:51:36 17:58
880 James Starkweather M1519 834 50/50 419/421 1:51:37 17:58
879 Brady Snelgrove M2024 835 33/33 420/421 1:51:37 17:58
319 Bengt Hamner M8099 836 5/5 421/421 1:52:35 18:08
462 Rita Horning F7579 837 1/1 416/420 1:53:18 18:14
845 Cheryl Nielsen F5559 838 33/34 417/420 1:54:36 18:27

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