Quad Cities Marathon 2013

5K Run/Walk - Results

Charts and Stats
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3228 Gretel Hengst F5559 650 30/49 380/565 43:52 14:09
3342 Stephan Kammerer M3034 651 34/37 258/324 44:00 14:12
3039 Jayne Parks F6569 652 13/20 381/565 44:01 14:12
3956 Louis Sonneville M75UP 653 2/3 259/324 44:05 14:14
3264 Davis Ferreria M4549 654 32/35 260/324 44:06 14:14
3008 Rebecca McAllister F6064 655 19/41 382/565 44:09 14:15
3250 Kristal Claussen F2529 656 50/61 383/565 44:11 14:15
3096 Sally Frye F6064 657 20/41 384/565 44:11 14:16
3446 Becky Willie F3539 658 36/54 385/565 44:12 14:16
3784 Abbey Nagle-Kuch F2529 659 51/61 386/565 44:13 14:16
3343 Dianne Egan F5054 660 32/54 387/565 44:29 14:21
3177 Kelly Gustafson F5054 661 33/54 388/565 44:29 14:21
3213 Marsha Arnold-White F5559 662 31/49 389/565 44:40 14:25
3459 Dollie Means F4549 663 34/46 390/565 44:42 14:25
7273 Michael Smith M5054 664 22/26 261/324 44:42 14:25
3460 Mikeesha Means F2024 665 26/28 391/565 44:42 14:26
3487 Darlene Steffen F5559 666 32/49 392/565 44:44 14:26
3486 Kenneth Steffen M6569 667 13/18 262/324 44:45 14:26
3305 Martha Winkler F6064 668 21/41 393/565 44:59 14:31
3377 Denise Joens F5054 669 34/54 394/565 45:02 14:32
8659 John Cordogan M5559 670 23/32 263/324 45:11 14:35
3165 Annette Welch F3539 671 37/54 395/565 45:26 14:40
3695 Jeremy Mahr M3539 672 23/28 264/324 45:27 14:40
3617 Carrie Decrane F3034 673 63/83 396/565 45:30 14:41
3379 Kathy Rahe F3034 674 64/83 397/565 45:30 14:41
3136 Devea Smith F1519 675 18/20 398/565 45:56 14:49
3974 Jessica Howard F2529 676 52/61 399/565 45:56 14:50
3975 Wes Howard M3034 677 35/37 265/324 45:58 14:50
3620 Lisa Sumner F3034 678 65/83 400/565 46:02 14:51
3016 Eleanor Arkhipova F3034 679 66/83 401/565 46:03 14:52
3138 Peggy Hale F5559 680 33/49 402/565 46:03 14:52
3528 Denise Taets F4044 681 50/75 403/565 46:08 14:53
3618 Debi Bozik F3034 682 67/83 404/565 46:11 14:54
3036 Abigail Beug F0114 683 19/25 405/565 46:21 14:58
3221 Shari Cole F5054 684 35/54 406/565 46:23 14:58
3925 Wyatt Demarest M0114 685 25/33 266/324 46:25 14:59
3659 Isibel Salazar F3539 686 38/54 407/565 46:33 15:01
3353 Jennifer Fluga F2529 687 53/61 408/565 46:44 15:05
3282 Julie Fluga F5559 688 34/49 409/565 46:44 15:05
3926 Mackenzie Demarest F0114 689 20/25 410/565 46:44 15:05

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