Scream Scram

5K Run/Walk Results

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October 21, 2011 in Denver, CO

Results By

5K Run/Walk Results - Results

Charts and Stats
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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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388 Kimberly Hukill F4049 154 11/36 73/212 30:35 31:02 9:52
450 Faith Kim F3039 155 30/71 74/212 30:47 31:08 9:56
451 Kevin Kim M2029 156 18/21 79/120 30:48 31:10 9:56
827 Molly Stein F1319 157 3/7 75/212 30:50 31:11 9:57
1312 Jason Deyoung M2029 158 19/21 80/120 30:50 31:21 9:57
1290 Angela Thornton F2029 159 22/48 76/212 30:59 31:23 10:00
778 Lauren Simmons F3039 160 31/71 77/212 30:55 31:25 9:59
1310 Walt Karabin M4049 161 21/25 81/120 31:29 31:45 10:10
1333 Mia Keller F0112 162 6/20 78/212 31:37 31:46 10:12
928 Ciara Williamson F2029 163 23/48 79/212 31:24 31:52 10:08
11 Diana Amble F2029 164 24/48 80/212 31:52 31:55 10:17
373 Shirley Hoff F4049 165 12/36 81/212 31:38 32:00 10:12
517 Shannon Leill F2029 166 25/48 82/212 31:34 32:01 10:11
10 David Amble M2029 167 20/21 82/120 31:59 32:02 10:19
684 Katherine Picard F2029 168 26/48 83/212 31:51 32:02 10:17
369 Rebecca Hinkson F3039 169 32/71 84/212 31:55 32:06 10:18
1010 Sheila Stanley F4049 170 13/36 85/212 31:43 32:07 10:14
1009 Stan Stanley M4049 171 22/25 83/120 31:42 32:07 10:14
550 Marianne Marshall F2029 172 27/48 86/212 31:09 32:08 10:03
1294 Katie Ware F2029 173 28/48 87/212 31:12 32:10 10:04
722 Stephen Romero M5059 174 10/12 84/120 32:04 32:15 10:21
359 Lisa Heaton F5059 175 4/13 88/212 32:03 32:18 10:21
495 Nicole Lane F3039 176 33/71 89/212 31:58 32:20 10:19
1012 Eloy Lopez M3039 177 19/31 85/120 30:48 32:22 9:57
1011 Samantha Lopez F3039 178 34/71 90/212 30:49 32:23 9:57
1287 John Ahlenius M70UP 179 1/3 86/120 32:11 32:26 10:23
1114 Laurel Barsa F4049 180 14/36 91/212 32:18 32:29 10:26
118 Kecia Carroll F4049 181 15/36 92/212 32:19 32:29 10:26
2 Ozlem Akdogan F4049 182 16/36 93/212 32:07 32:30 10:22
412 Suzie Johnston F5059 183 5/13 94/212 32:17 32:31 10:25
117 Danielle Carroll F3039 184 35/71 95/212 32:25 32:36 10:28
966 Jody Randall F4049 185 17/36 96/212 32:32 32:42 10:30
565 Cher Masini F3039 186 36/71 97/212 32:36 32:51 10:31
597 Amy Miller F2029 187 29/48 98/212 32:59 33:04 10:39
131 David Clark M3039 188 20/31 87/120 32:59 33:04 10:39
899 Carol Von Michaelis F2029 189 30/48 99/212 32:45 33:07 10:34
708 Shad Richards M3039 190 21/31 88/120 32:20 33:13 10:26
314 Piper Gould F3039 191 37/71 100/212 32:08 33:24 10:22
105 Kenya Calderon F3039 192 38/71 101/212 33:17 33:26 10:45
873 Amy Tingley F3039 193 39/71 102/212 33:16 33:27 10:44

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