Ganzo's Cinco de Mayo 5K - 2017



May 6, 2017 in Davenport, IA


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5K - Results

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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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882 Jeremy Garrison M3034 192 23/44 140/320 26:56
747 Guadalupe Vasquez F3539 193 12/68 53/504 26:57
489 Samuel Stawicki M6064 194 5/16 141/320 26:58
600 Brooke Rhodes F0114 195 2/9 54/504 26:59
228 Andrea Laermans F3539 196 13/68 55/504 26:59
851 Mike Tyler M4044 197 28/56 142/320 26:59
855 Alex Flores M3034 198 24/44 143/320 27:00
498 Kamiel Smith F3539 199 14/68 56/504 27:00
203 Adam Shell M2529 200 15/23 144/320 27:01
437 Katrina Keuning F2529 201 9/69 57/504 27:01
438 Kristopher Keuning M2529 202 16/23 145/320 27:02
539 Laura Newman F1519 203 2/11 58/504 27:05
400 Kenneth Ashby M3539 204 22/44 146/320 27:07
306 Emily Ninotta F3034 205 11/70 59/504 27:08
645 John White M5054 206 9/24 147/320 27:13
220 Blaine Stott M3539 207 23/44 148/320 27:14
243 Jim Lorenz M5054 208 10/24 149/320 27:15
137 Gwendolyn Yusko F2529 209 10/69 60/504 27:15
898 Paula Wikle F5054 210 3/59 61/504 27:17
269 Natalie Widder F5054 211 4/59 62/504 27:20
65 Landon Cahill M2529 212 17/23 150/320 27:20
770 John Dengler M3539 213 24/44 151/320 27:21
486 Sue Johnson F6064 214 2/28 63/504 27:23
405 Crystal Ely F2529 215 11/69 64/504 27:26
311 Erin Degelman F3034 216 12/70 65/504 27:27
404 Kimberly Bowman F2529 217 12/69 66/504 27:27
672 Brendan Bloomer M0114 218 6/15 152/320 27:28
519 Bridget Stengel F5559 219 4/52 67/504 27:29
633 Helen Vogel Vogel F5054 220 5/59 68/504 27:29
831 Robbey Teel M5054 221 11/24 153/320 27:31
775 Corey Taylor M3539 222 25/44 154/320 27:32
666 Denise Gonzales F5559 223 5/52 69/504 27:34
426 Amy Johnson F5054 224 6/59 70/504 27:35
806 Christina Martinez-Mcdowell F4549 225 7/52 71/504 27:38
890 John Carroll M5054 226 12/24 155/320 27:39
616 Courtney Camlin F2024 227 7/28 72/504 27:41
152 Joyce Patzner F5559 228 6/52 73/504 27:44
702 Joel Abrams M4044 229 29/56 156/320 27:47
369 Hilary Condon F4549 230 8/52 74/504 27:47
694 Santana Raya F2024 231 8/28 75/504 27:49

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