Mardi Gras 5K

5K Overall


February 21, 2015 in Eugene, OR

Results By

5K Overall - Results

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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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136 Joanne Middleton F5054 60 2/5 38/87 33:48 10:53
183 Jacqui Audiss F2024 61 7/8 39/87 34:00 10:57
160 Nadine Zollner F5054 62 3/5 40/87 34:37 11:09
153 Claudia Vincent F5054 63 4/5 41/87 34:38 11:09
139 Susan Overton F3539 64 3/13 42/87 37:03 11:56
115 Lyman Hughes M2529 65 5/6 23/35 37:17 12:00
61 Alicia Bailey F2529 66 9/10 43/87 37:17 12:00
111 David Hill M2529 67 6/6 24/35 37:20 12:01
145 Jill Rodine F2529 68 10/10 44/87 37:21 12:02
158 Wendy Younger F3539 69 4/13 45/87 37:22 12:02
130 Sharlene McKay F4044 70 3/16 46/87 37:24 12:03
98 Rebecca Gores F3539 71 5/13 47/87 37:24 12:03
116 Darla Humbert F4549 72 7/12 48/87 37:24 12:03
135 Tani Michaud F4549 73 8/12 49/87 37:31 12:05
144 Cindi Robeck F4549 74 9/12 50/87 37:32 12:05
92 Julie Fisher F4044 75 4/16 51/87 37:33 12:05
113 Jodi Hisey F3034 76 6/11 52/87 39:02 12:34
69 Brendan Bray M0114 77 1/1 25/35 39:03 12:35
100 Kelli Haag F3034 78 7/11 53/87 39:23 12:41
185 Alicia Nelson F3034 79 8/11 54/87 39:24 12:41
62 Patty Baker F3539 80 6/13 55/87 39:25 12:42
179 Justin Baker M4044 81 2/5 26/35 39:26 12:42
87 Jane Dods F7579 82 1/1 56/87 39:34 12:44
126 Sarah Lockhart F3034 83 9/11 57/87 40:00 12:53
164 Heidi Khokhar F4549 84 10/12 58/87 40:14 12:57
125 Jerediah Lockhart M4044 85 3/5 27/35 40:31 13:03
148 Missy Simpson F4044 86 5/16 59/87 40:51 13:09
107 Gina Hawk F4549 87 11/12 60/87 40:52 13:09
141 Jasmine Plaster F2024 88 8/8 61/87 41:07 13:14
60 Stephanie Bahler F3034 89 10/11 62/87 41:23 13:19
165 Jaspal Khokhar M4549 90 2/3 28/35 42:16 13:37
71 Melodee Bray F4044 91 6/16 63/87 42:46 13:46
82 Gloria Crowder F4044 92 7/16 64/87 42:57 13:50
89 Jennifer Ellington F4044 93 8/16 65/87 43:29 14:00
159 Glenn Zollner M6064 94 1/1 29/35 43:36 14:02
68 Brad Bray M4044 95 4/5 30/35 44:50 14:26
119 Ferelith Langer F0114 96 3/4 66/87 46:34 15:00
121 Tara Langer F4549 97 12/12 67/87 46:35 15:00
120 Georg Langer M5054 98 2/2 31/35 46:36 15:00
59 Betty Artman F6064 99 1/2 68/87 46:58 15:07

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