Mardi Gras 5K

5K Overall


February 21, 2015 in Eugene, OR

Results By

5K Overall - Results

Charts and Stats
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displaying: 1 - 16 of 16
number of records per page: [10] [all]

181 Kathie Chapman F4044 23 1/16 8/87 26:19 8:29
146 Patty Schulz F4044 43 2/16 24/87 29:58 9:39
130 Sharlene McKay F4044 70 3/16 46/87 37:24 12:03
92 Julie Fisher F4044 75 4/16 51/87 37:33 12:05
148 Missy Simpson F4044 86 5/16 59/87 40:51 13:09
71 Melodee Bray F4044 91 6/16 63/87 42:46 13:46
82 Gloria Crowder F4044 92 7/16 64/87 42:57 13:50
89 Jennifer Ellington F4044 93 8/16 65/87 43:29 14:00
166 Chelsea Kaldahl F4044 100 9/16 69/87 47:07 15:10
151 Elizabeth Thorstenson F4044 109 10/16 76/87 53:40 17:17
101 Bobby Hanna F4044 112 11/16 79/87 54:13 17:27
65 Tonya Bevans F4044 113 12/16 80/87 54:15 17:28
124 Kristy Lee F4044 115 13/16 82/87 54:36 17:35
177 Leslie Aschenbrenner F4044 116 14/16 83/87 54:36 17:35
162 Lynette Leone F4044 120 15/16 85/87 55:53 18:00
163 Liz Bocking F4044 121 16/16 86/87 55:54 18:00

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