Ovarian Cancer Race for Awareness

5K Results


June 5, 2010 in Denver, CO

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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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207 Aspen Somers F0112 183 5/12 115/166 41:08 41:10 13:17
790 Bill Gaskins M2029 184 7/9 69/90 38:25 41:25 12:24
314 Stephani Walker F2029 185 29/31 116/166 38:25 41:25 12:24
1337 Christine Rascon F3039 186 28/36 117/166 41:04 41:47 13:15
1028 Carol Kuykendall F6069 187 1/5 118/166 40:36 41:54 13:06
596 Emily Lauer F2029 188 30/31 119/166 41:42 42:09 13:27
415 Tom Morton M70UP 189 3/3 70/90 42:15 42:31 13:38
565 Kira Woods F0112 190 6/12 120/166 41:41 42:37 13:27
566 Lisa Woods F4049 191 30/39 121/166 41:42 42:38 13:27
567 Neva Woods F0112 192 7/12 122/166 41:43 42:38 13:28
1218 Mitch Nagle M2029 193 8/9 71/90 42:41 42:41 13:47
666 Amber Deherrera F0112 194 8/12 123/166 43:14 43:53 13:57
667 Janine Deherrera F4049 195 31/39 124/166 43:15 43:53 13:57
419 Ronald Glusenkump M5059 196 14/16 72/90 43:32 44:07 14:03
839 Carnita Groves F4049 197 32/39 125/166 42:56 44:10 13:51
451 Susan McGilvray F5059 198 20/29 126/166 43:29 44:18 14:02
867 Erin Harwell F0112 199 9/12 127/166 43:40 44:25 14:06
641 Mark Curtis M4049 200 13/18 73/90 44:22 44:38 14:19
329 Ruth Wayman F70UP 201 1/4 128/166 44:56 45:13 14:30
176 Mary Beth Fulton F6069 202 2/5 129/166 45:18 45:52 14:37
598 Kayleigh Leung F1319 203 4/6 130/166 42:47 45:56 13:49
401 Meg Gallagher F5059 204 21/29 131/166 45:13 46:32 14:36
1253 Cindy O'Grady F4049 205 33/39 132/166 46:30 46:57 15:00
943 Matthew Hubbard M3039 206 20/20 74/90 46:13 47:07 14:55
1438 Danielle Sandusky F3039 207 29/36 133/166 46:14 47:08 14:55
991 Judy Kelly F5059 208 22/29 134/166 46:43 47:33 15:04
1376 Michael Riegel M6069 209 3/4 75/90 47:22 48:50 15:17
339 Melissa Wheeler F3039 210 30/36 135/166 47:54 49:30 15:28
1098 Mark Manta M0112 211 5/8 76/90 48:52 49:33 15:46
303 Shannon Vits F0112 212 10/12 136/166 49:07 49:34 15:51
1097 John Manta M4049 213 14/18 77/90 49:13 49:55 15:53
933 Rebecca Housley F3039 214 31/36 137/166 50:50 51:17 16:24
989 Denis Kelly M5059 215 15/16 78/90 48:08 52:18 15:32
183 Jon Ahalt M4049 216 15/18 79/90 53:31 53:48 17:16
973 Judy Jones F5059 217 23/29 138/166 54:52 54:59 17:42
1439 Catherine Sattler F6069 218 3/5 139/166 53:57 55:08 17:25
851 Marsha Hansard F5059 219 24/29 140/166 54:00 55:08 17:25
210 Joanne Sorensen F6069 220 4/5 141/166 55:06 55:16 17:47
145 Berdine Clumpres F6069 221 5/5 142/166 55:07 55:16 17:47
934 Millie Hovda F70UP 222 2/4 143/166 55:06 55:17 17:47

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