Evansville YMCA 15k Warm-Up Run

15k Run and Walk


September 5, 2015 in Evansville, IN

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15k Run and Walk - Results

Charts and Stats
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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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334 Melissa Mitchell F 45-49 634 46/53 362/423 2:17:16 14:43
68 Sara Bruce F 30-34 635 54/63 363/423 2:17:32 14:45
470 Sherry Stratton F 50-54 636 43/53 364/423 2:17:56 14:47
579 Christi Johnson F 30-34 637 55/63 365/423 2:18:04 14:48
537 Melissa Alldredge F 45-49 638 47/53 366/423 2:18:04 14:48
908 Alissa Eastham F 30-34 639 56/63 367/423 2:18:39 14:52
121 Nancy Jo Datzman F 50-54 640 44/53 368/423 2:18:50 14:53
761 Sue Helfert F 50-54 641 45/53 369/423 2:19:12 14:56
482 Carolyn Tornatta F 60-64 642 14/20 370/423 2:19:16 14:56
631 Pam Utley F 45-49 643 48/53 371/423 2:20:27 15:04
205 Mary Hayes F 50-54 644 46/53 372/423 2:20:37 15:05
338 Wendy Moody F 30-34 645 57/63 373/423 2:20:48 15:06
712 Linda Bush F 50-54 646 47/53 374/423 2:21:00 15:07
88 John Cason M 55-59 647 45/45 273/280 2:21:00 15:07
459 Laurie Spencer F 50-54 648 48/53 375/423 2:21:00 15:07
13 Roger Andrecht M 65-69 649 16/17 274/280 2:21:07 15:08
98 Jennifer Cobb F 30-34 650 58/63 376/423 2:21:23 15:10
293 Mary Luckett F 55-59 651 34/40 377/423 2:21:26 15:10
174 Billie Gilmore F 70-74 652 2/2 378/423 2:22:06 15:14
476 Kandas Tenhumberg F 65-69 653 6/6 379/423 2:22:06 15:14
575 Elcia Hill F 15-19 654 10/10 380/423 2:22:43 15:18
483 Patty Trotter F 55-59 655 35/40 381/423 2:22:44 15:18
62 Cheryl Brown F 50-54 656 49/53 382/423 2:23:12 15:21
128 Valarie Denton F 55-59 657 36/40 383/423 2:23:13 15:21
136 Louisa Duran F 45-49 658 49/53 384/423 2:23:14 15:22
848 Christy Lively F 30-34 659 59/63 385/423 2:23:26 15:23
348 Jim Mosby M 70-74 660 5/5 275/280 2:23:26 15:23
725 Amanda Culver F 40-44 661 52/60 386/423 2:23:46 15:25
727 Janet Daniels F 55-59 662 37/40 387/423 2:24:13 15:28
551 Jennifer Chittenden F 40-44 663 53/60 388/423 2:24:23 15:29
431 Jodie Schnapf F 50-54 664 50/53 389/423 2:24:38 15:31
588 Sara Korte F 50-54 665 51/53 390/423 2:24:59 15:33
204 Cheryl Haskins F 50-54 666 52/53 391/423 2:25:09 15:34
299 Melanie Mahone F 60-64 667 15/20 392/423 2:25:14 15:34
849 Gina Gist F 45-49 668 50/53 393/423 2:25:15 15:35
56 Ralph Boze M 45-49 669 26/27 276/280 2:25:16 15:35
57 Robin Boze F 45-49 670 51/53 394/423 2:25:16 15:35
540 Barbara Baim F 60-64 671 16/20 395/423 2:25:18 15:35
152 Lisa Foster F 50-54 672 53/53 396/423 2:25:59 15:39
555 Leslie Elkin F 35-39 673 48/52 397/423 2:27:04 15:46

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