Albany Half Marathon

Half Marathon Overall


August 17, 2013 in Albany, OR

Results By

Half Marathon Overall - Results

Charts and Stats
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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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50 Peter Canning M3640 108 12/18 75/142 1:57:03 8:57
67 John Craig M6199 109 4/16 76/142 1:57:11 8:57
334 Bob Kania M5660 110 5/13 77/142 1:57:54 9:00
137 Chris Jacobson M3640 111 13/18 78/142 1:58:10 9:02
29 Rosanna Bigford F2630 112 4/24 34/159 1:58:17 9:02
272 Lindsey Shonk-O'donnell F3640 113 7/20 35/159 1:58:21 9:03
58 Cellen Coakley F2630 114 5/24 36/159 1:58:28 9:03
252 Chiho Sakamoto-Gunton F4145 115 6/19 37/159 1:58:29 9:03
98 Angie Forrette F3640 116 8/20 38/159 1:58:30 9:03
197 Jessica Meyer F3135 117 11/29 39/159 1:59:01 9:06
259 Sean Saxton M2630 118 13/22 79/142 1:59:08 9:06
60 Skip Collins M3640 119 14/18 80/142 1:59:28 9:08
198 Michelle Middlebrooks F3135 120 12/29 40/159 1:59:33 9:08
44 Andy Brentano M2025 121 5/12 81/142 1:59:37 9:08
76 Nick Davies M2025 122 6/12 82/142 1:59:45 9:09
17 Ann Batten F5155 123 2/9 41/159 1:59:52 9:09
52 James Carmichael M3640 124 15/18 83/142 2:00:03 9:10
71 Tammy Cullison F4650 125 2/16 42/159 2:00:20 9:12
119 Tanner Hall M2025 126 7/12 84/142 2:00:37 9:13
308 Izaak Wetmore M2025 127 8/12 85/142 2:00:37 9:13
56 Ed Celestina M6199 128 5/16 86/142 2:00:48 9:14
74 Robert Dalton M2025 129 9/12 87/142 2:01:19 9:16
127 Jessica Hiddleson F2630 130 6/24 43/159 2:01:25 9:17
324 Kathleen Zaragoza F5155 131 3/9 44/159 2:01:25 9:17
267 Kris Schrunk F3135 132 13/29 45/159 2:01:50 9:19
320 Bethany Wright F3135 133 14/29 46/159 2:01:52 9:19
11 Lisa Bain F4145 134 7/19 47/159 2:01:53 9:19
220 Paul Nielson M5660 135 6/13 88/142 2:02:16 9:20
219 Karen Nielson F4650 136 3/16 48/159 2:02:16 9:20
175 Sam Litke M5660 137 7/13 89/142 2:02:26 9:21
36 Jesse Bower M3640 138 16/18 90/142 2:02:28 9:21
336 Daneka Karma F4145 139 8/19 49/159 2:02:55 9:23
205 Doug Mitchell M5660 140 8/13 91/142 2:02:59 9:24
315 Stephen Woitt M0119 141 11/11 92/142 2:03:19 9:25
286 Jeanine Stice F4650 142 4/16 50/159 2:03:49 9:28
179 Stephani Logan F4145 143 9/19 51/159 2:04:27 9:30
266 Brandt Schram M4145 144 12/22 93/142 2:05:14 9:34
100 Karli French F3135 145 15/29 52/159 2:05:15 9:34
338 E Z Goesit M4145 146 13/22 94/142 2:05:48 9:37
337 James Netland M5155 147 6/7 95/142 2:05:48 9:37

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