The Village Zombie Run 5K



October 26, 2024 in Davenprot, IA


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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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221 Katie Horsman F4049 51 3/90 6/369 22:52
404 Noah Pojar M0118 52 18/65 46/238 22:55
10 Katie Baber F3039 53 3/110 7/369 23:03
348 David Myers M4049 54 11/58 47/238 23:09
585 Tanner Johnson M1929 55 6/31 48/238 23:18
551 Barrett Wennmacher M0118 56 19/65 49/238 23:18
397 Isaac Pielak M0118 57 20/65 50/238 23:20
654 Joel Tubbs M5059 58 3/24 51/238 23:28
128 Sean Dittmer M4049 59 12/58 52/238 23:30
603 Augustin Richter M0118 60 21/65 53/238 23:37
402 Brandon Pizano M1929 61 7/31 54/238 23:57
552 Colton Wennmacher M0118 62 22/65 55/238 23:57
72 Eric Castellanos M1929 63 8/31 56/238 23:58
599 Jackie Young F3039 64 4/110 8/369 23:58
600 Sydney Young F0118 65 1/48 9/369 24:01
653 Aaron Van Lauwe M4049 66 13/58 57/238 24:02
601 Ginny Young F0118 67 2/48 10/369 24:03
385 Melissa Pepper F3039 68 5/110 11/369 24:04
384 Grayson Pepper M0118 69 23/65 58/238 24:12
30 Kaleb Belha M1929 70 9/31 59/238 24:14
542 Brady Walker M0118 71 24/65 60/238 24:14
2 Justin Allan M4049 72 14/58 61/238 24:14
550 Ashlee Wennmacher F4049 73 4/90 12/369 24:14
183 Eleanor Goodin F0118 74 3/48 13/369 24:14
172 Scott Gersitz M4049 75 15/58 62/238 24:19
17 Terah Baldwin F4049 76 5/90 14/369 24:19
178 Chloe Glaub F0118 77 4/48 15/369 24:25
504 Rose Szczurek F3039 78 6/110 16/369 24:30
212 Todd Heidt M4049 79 16/58 63/238 24:32
481 Jared Stecker M3039 80 12/46 64/238 24:36
197 Lindsey Hanna F4049 81 6/90 17/369 24:39
435 Cheri Saxby F5059 82 1/44 18/369 24:45
44 Jamie Bocox F4049 83 7/90 19/369 24:47
562 Krystal Wilson F3039 84 7/110 20/369 24:50
22 Deren Batterson M5059 85 4/24 65/238 24:51
260 Grace Knutsen F0118 86 5/48 21/369 24:54
535 Bryce Villa M4049 87 17/58 66/238 25:03
285 Alonzo Lawrence M0118 88 25/65 67/238 25:05
380 Terry Pearson M5059 89 5/24 68/238 25:07
290 Victor Lawrence M0118 90 26/65 69/238 25:15

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