The Village Zombie Run 5K



October 26, 2024 in Davenprot, IA


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5K - Results

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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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467 Austin Shepherd M1929 19 3/31 18/238 20:33
286 Anthony Lawrence M4049 20 4/58 19/238 20:33
657 Anthony Sinn M3039 21 2/46 20/238 20:40
11 Marshall Baber M3039 22 3/46 21/238 20:42
439 Travis Schell M5059 23 1/24 22/238 20:45
51 Amy Brogren F3039 24 1/110 2/369 20:46
7 Jared Appleman M1929 25 4/31 23/238 20:49
560 Brock Williams M3039 26 4/46 24/238 20:52
477 David Sprague M0118 27 12/65 25/238 20:57
454 Jamie L Schwind F4049 28 1/90 3/369 21:00
227 James Hunter M4049 29 5/58 26/238 21:04
392 Carter Peterson M0118 30 13/65 27/238 21:14
300 Seth Long M0118 31 14/65 28/238 21:15
61 Taylor Canales M3039 32 5/46 29/238 21:23
53 Andrew Broughton M0118 33 15/65 30/238 21:26
75 Rafael Ceja M4049 34 6/58 31/238 21:27
619 Stephanie Sellers F3039 35 2/110 4/369 21:28
506 Marcus Tapia M4049 36 7/58 32/238 21:44
341 Neil Morrison M3039 37 6/46 33/238 21:56
665 Gavin Smith M1929 38 5/31 34/238 22:01
50 Jeffrey Briones M4049 39 8/58 35/238 22:14
296 Ayden Long M0118 40 16/65 36/238 22:25
333 Merrill Mitchell M3039 41 7/46 37/238 22:26
266 Tim Kresowik M4049 42 9/58 38/238 22:29
220 Bryce Hopkins M3039 43 8/46 39/238 22:33
14 Jarek Bakken M3039 44 9/46 40/238 22:33
499 Jeff Swarm M5059 45 2/24 41/238 22:35
186 Keaton Green M3039 46 10/46 42/238 22:43
254 Calvin Kenyon M0118 47 17/65 43/238 22:44
165 Ryan Frye M4049 48 10/58 44/238 22:47
563 Michael Wilson M3039 49 11/46 45/238 22:50
646 Kathryn Elliott F4049 50 2/90 5/369 22:52
221 Katie Horsman F4049 51 3/90 6/369 22:52
404 Noah Pojar M0118 52 18/65 46/238 22:55
10 Katie Baber F3039 53 3/110 7/369 23:03
348 David Myers M4049 54 11/58 47/238 23:09
585 Tanner Johnson M1929 55 6/31 48/238 23:18
551 Barrett Wennmacher M0118 56 19/65 49/238 23:18
397 Isaac Pielak M0118 57 20/65 50/238 23:20
654 Joel Tubbs M5059 58 3/24 51/238 23:28

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