The Village Zombie Run 5K



October 26, 2024 in Davenprot, IA


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5K - Results

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displaying: 1 - 31 of 31
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607 Bruce Taylor M1929 11 1/31 10/238 19:10
259 Timothy Knobloch M1929 12 2/31 11/238 19:36
467 Austin Shepherd M1929 19 3/31 18/238 20:33
7 Jared Appleman M1929 25 4/31 23/238 20:49
665 Gavin Smith M1929 38 5/31 34/238 22:01
585 Tanner Johnson M1929 55 6/31 48/238 23:18
402 Brandon Pizano M1929 61 7/31 54/238 23:57
72 Eric Castellanos M1929 63 8/31 56/238 23:58
30 Kaleb Belha M1929 70 9/31 59/238 24:14
399 Sam Pirmann M1929 100 10/31 76/238 25:52
524 Josh Tuesburg M1929 102 11/31 77/238 25:54
205 Joshua Haycraft M1929 110 12/31 83/238 26:22
569 David Zielinski M1929 111 13/31 84/238 26:24
626 Derrick Olcott M1929 113 14/31 85/238 26:26
405 David Polaschek M1929 122 15/31 89/238 26:44
451 Derek Schurke M1929 123 16/31 90/238 26:52
331 Peter Mills M1929 130 17/31 93/238 27:04
616 Andrew Pena M1929 133 18/31 95/238 27:18
45 Elliot Boesch M1929 148 19/31 102/238 28:10
80 Sachin Chambers M1929 187 20/31 121/238 29:44
241 Kolton Jubell M1929 198 21/31 126/238 30:07
276 Clinton Lamar M1929 225 22/31 135/238 31:17
223 Kolton Howard M1929 269 23/31 150/238 33:03
280 Gage Lane M1929 277 24/31 154/238 33:11
357 Caleb Norville M1929 333 25/31 173/238 35:49
329 Evan Miles M1929 339 26/31 174/238 36:17
199 Lucas Harmon M1929 340 27/31 175/238 36:24
485 Benjamin Stipp M1929 442 28/31 200/238 43:44
12 Jordan Bahen M1929 480 29/31 206/238 48:15
515 Tyler Thomsen M1929 529 30/31 219/238 55:13
258 Chandler Klauer M1929 592 31/31 235/238 1:08:17

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