Evansville YMCA 15k Warm-Up Run

15k Run and Walk


September 5, 2015 in Evansville, IN

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15k Run and Walk - Results

Charts and Stats
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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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285 Julie Leystra F 35-39 261 18/52 99/423 1:34:39 10:09
864 Ann Hodge F 50-54 262 6/53 100/423 1:34:56 10:11
101 Ruth Connelly F 25-29 263 14/39 101/423 1:34:59 10:11
865 Jennifer Howell F 45-49 264 13/53 102/423 1:35:03 10:12
521 Ronald Williams M 55-59 265 24/45 163/280 1:35:05 10:12
541 Stephen Baim M 60-64 266 9/19 164/280 1:35:06 10:12
203 Michael Hartz M 35-39 267 21/32 165/280 1:35:08 10:12
220 Todd Hickrod M 50-54 268 16/28 166/280 1:35:09 10:12
278 Jane Leach F 60-64 269 3/20 103/423 1:35:14 10:13
759 Jeffrey Hayden M 55-59 270 25/45 167/280 1:35:15 10:13
201 Garrett Hartig M 20-24 271 7/11 168/280 1:35:17 10:13
410 Linda Reinert F 55-59 272 11/40 104/423 1:35:20 10:13
604 Neal Millay M 25-29 273 18/23 169/280 1:35:29 10:14
405 Sarah Reffett F 30-34 274 20/63 105/423 1:35:48 10:17
774 Miranda Knight F 30-34 275 21/63 106/423 1:35:58 10:18
238 Dale Jennings M 65-69 276 6/17 170/280 1:35:59 10:18
313 Desra McDaniel F 40-44 277 13/60 107/423 1:36:06 10:18
377 Jack Pate M 55-59 278 26/45 171/280 1:36:12 10:19
610 Deana Patterson F 40-44 279 14/60 108/423 1:36:12 10:19
868 Chris Wolking M 55-59 280 27/45 172/280 1:36:16 10:20
447 Elizabeth Shinabarger F 15-19 281 4/10 109/423 1:36:18 10:20
797 Sally Miles F 45-49 282 14/53 110/423 1:36:25 10:20
785 Dorothy Loud F 50-54 283 7/53 111/423 1:36:27 10:21
284 Faren Levell M 55-59 284 28/45 173/280 1:36:27 10:21
28 Matt Baker M 20-24 285 8/11 174/280 1:36:29 10:21
244 Nicolette Juncker F 20-24 286 5/21 112/423 1:36:36 10:22
290 Tina Long F 55-59 287 12/40 113/423 1:36:44 10:23
543 Janel Bowen F 40-44 288 15/60 114/423 1:36:45 10:23
151 Marcia Forston F 60-64 289 4/20 115/423 1:36:53 10:23
492 Jana Wade F 45-49 290 15/53 116/423 1:36:53 10:23
403 Joe Reasor M 70-74 291 2/5 175/280 1:37:08 10:25
711 Jo Burke F 45-49 292 16/53 117/423 1:37:08 10:25
114 Joseph Crowdus M 65-69 293 7/17 176/280 1:37:16 10:26
398 Sherri Raley-Wade F 50-54 294 8/53 118/423 1:37:17 10:26
241 Jessica Jones F 30-34 295 22/63 119/423 1:37:18 10:26
522 Nicki Willis F 35-39 296 19/52 120/423 1:37:19 10:26
847 Lindsey Jamerson F 15-19 297 5/10 121/423 1:37:21 10:26
328 Kelly Miller F 25-29 298 15/39 122/423 1:37:36 10:28
169 Katie Gerlach F 25-29 299 16/39 123/423 1:37:39 10:28
890 Katie Andrews F 30-34 300 23/63 124/423 1:37:40 10:28

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