Snohomish River Run

Half marathon


October 26, 2014 in Snohomish, WA

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Half marathon - Results

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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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380 Tyler Pacini 35 M M 35-39 23 1/29 20 1:28:53 6:47
650 Connor Lenz 38 M M 35-39 24 2/29 21 1:29:30 6:50
255 Jodie Isomura 40 F F 40-44 25 1/67 4 1:29:41 6:51
655 Gerry Marvin 31 M M 30-34 26 5/35 22 1:29:45 6:51
375 Tory Olsen 28 M M 25-29 27 4/23 23 1:29:56 6:52
672 Daniel Petek 59 M M 55-59 28 1/13 24 1:31:18 6:58
605 Brian Clarke 41 M M 40-44 29 5/25 25 1:31:21 6:58
62 Patrick Brisbine 38 M M 35-39 30 3/29 26 1:31:42 7:00
376 Eric Olson 44 M M 40-44 31 6/25 27 1:32:11 7:02
519 Nicola Towers 35 F F 35-39 32 1/81 5 1:32:33 7:04
595 Jamie Cannon 33 M M 30-34 33 6/35 28 1:33:07 7:06
192 Gael Gebow 41 F F 40-44 34 2/67 6 1:33:19 7:07
557 Justin Willis 24 M M 19-24 35 3/6 29 1:33:23 7:08
659 Matthew Mock 30 M M 30-34 36 7/35 30 1:33:25 7:08
630 Daren Hopper 49 M M 45-49 37 4/22 31 1:34:02 7:11
184 Dustin Fuchs 29 M M 25-29 38 5/23 32 1:34:03 7:11
664 Erik Ness 44 M M 40-44 39 7/25 33 1:34:35 7:13
51 Flo Booth 44 F F 40-44 40 3/67 7 1:34:37 7:13
891 Sean Harwin 26 M M 25-29 41 6/23 34 1:34:53 7:15
285 Steve Kingston 38 M M 35-39 42 4/29 35 1:35:00 7:15
447 Alaina Schwartz 24 F F 19-24 43 1/20 8 1:35:57 7:19
654 Nancy Markham 51 F F 50-54 44 1/26 9 1:36:10 7:20
166 Adrien Favre-Bully 24 M M 19-24 45 4/6 36 1:36:27 7:22
246 Ives Hot 24 F F 19-24 46 2/20 10 1:37:01 7:24
532 Victor Villasenor 36 M M 35-39 47 5/29 37 1:37:03 7:25
611 Jeff Dirks 48 M M 45-49 48 5/22 38 1:37:07 7:25
275 Wesley Kameda 47 M M 45-49 49 6/22 39 1:37:21 7:26
401 Christopher Philley 28 M M 25-29 50 7/23 40 1:37:45 7:28
872 Patrick O'Sullivan 40 M M 40-44 51 8/25 41 1:38:07 7:29
604 Nancy Clarke 41 F F 40-44 52 4/67 11 1:38:48 7:33
89 Kenny Chapel 28 M M 25-29 53 8/23 42 1:39:19 7:35
155 Jessie Enell 32 F F 30-34 54 1/64 12 1:39:28 7:36
593 Brian Buchanan 46 M M 45-49 55 7/22 43 1:39:47 7:37
613 Maura Dunn 45 F F 45-49 56 1/46 13 1:40:03 7:38
370 Cody Novak 30 M M 30-34 57 8/35 44 1:40:26 7:40
14 David Arthur 47 M M 45-49 58 8/22 45 1:40:44 7:41
513 Jesica Thomson 33 F F 30-34 59 2/64 14 1:40:58 7:42
34 William Beaty 33 M M 30-34 60 9/35 46 1:41:03 7:43
429 Karl Rowland 32 M M 30-34 61 10/35 47 1:41:17 7:44
657 Alan Melling 60 M M 60-64 62 1/6 48 1:41:36 7:45

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