BeerFit 5K



June 4, 2016 in Kansas City, MO


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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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17758 Mark Bleich M2024 29 4/32 27/265 24:23 7:53
3974 Marcus Armato M2529 30 9/57 28/265 24:24 7:53
17782 Eric Kauffmann M3539 31 5/50 29/265 24:28 7:54
8810 Joe Knorr M3539 32 6/50 30/265 24:36 7:57
3755 Todd Winters M4549 33 2/33 31/265 24:44 7:59
17836 Stefan Wettlaufer M3539 34 7/50 32/265 24:46 8:00
17837 Jim Mills M3539 35 8/50 33/265 24:46 8:00
17980 Bradley Craig M2529 36 10/57 34/265 24:48 8:01
8984 Danny Faught M3034 37 8/46 35/265 24:49 8:01
17756 Bradley Bleich M2529 38 11/57 36/265 24:51 8:02
17929 Anthony Treccariche M3539 39 9/50 37/265 24:54 8:03
17764 Jerry Maloney M5054 40 1/14 38/265 24:57 8:04
17909 Jessica Green F3539 41 1/58 3/382 25:00 8:04
17921 James McKay M3034 42 9/46 39/265 25:20 8:11
3767 Emily Mattwaoshshe F3034 43 1/69 4/382 25:30 8:14
3577 Kyle Mai M4044 44 3/26 40/265 25:30 8:14
3765 Scott McMeekin M2024 45 5/32 41/265 25:40 8:17
17992 Denny Butler M4549 46 3/33 42/265 25:44 8:19
3839 Kyle Konigsberg M2024 47 6/32 43/265 25:45 8:19
3908 Mitch Moore M2529 48 12/57 44/265 25:48 8:20
3789 Allison Reid F2024 49 2/77 5/382 25:49 8:20
3909 Nathan Apple M3034 50 10/46 45/265 25:53 8:22
3790 Taryn Brees F2024 51 3/77 6/382 25:53 8:22
8873 Jeffrey Lovetinsky M2024 52 7/32 46/265 25:53 8:22
3850 Melissa Dimariano F2529 53 1/81 7/382 25:55 8:22
3845 Kelley Ebeling F2024 54 4/77 8/382 25:55 8:22
17761 Sam Kassing F2024 55 5/77 9/382 26:00 8:24
17870 Brandon Salisbury M2529 56 13/57 47/265 26:00 8:24
17950 Victor Lunderman M3539 57 10/50 48/265 26:01 8:24
8785 Jon Myers M3034 58 11/46 49/265 26:09 8:27
3770 Aaron Cherney M2529 59 14/57 50/265 26:10 8:27
8901 Jessica Hall F2529 60 2/81 10/382 26:16 8:29
3931 Melanie Davis F2529 61 3/81 11/382 26:16 8:29
3940 Brett Heman M2024 62 8/32 51/265 26:18 8:30
3629 Jennifer King F2529 63 4/81 12/382 26:19 8:30
17800 John Jeschke M4549 64 4/33 52/265 26:19 8:30
3998 David Lane M2529 65 15/57 53/265 26:20 8:30
17932 Kyle Kramer M3539 66 11/50 54/265 26:21 8:31
3601 Jeff Wolff M3539 67 12/50 55/265 26:21 8:31
3938 Aaron Benton M3034 68 12/46 56/265 26:24 8:31

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