D 4.9 K Run/Walk


The D4.9 K Run/Walk is a family-friendly event for D49 staff, students, parents and community members. Our goal is to provide a fun, low-cost healthy event for members of our D49 community.


September 30, 2023 in Falcon, CO


Results By

4.9K - Results

Charts and Stats
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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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547 Kelsey Brasel F30-34 205 7/16 114/169 53:30 17:34
548 Dan Brasel M30-34 206 5/5 92/105 53:31 17:35
585 Nicholas Cozzens M40-44 207 14/17 93/105 53:31 17:35
750 Nicole Martin F40-44 208 18/23 115/169 53:33 17:35
584 Katherine Cozzens F45-49 209 9/15 116/169 53:39 17:37
754 Danielle Mayer F35-39 210 19/28 117/169 53:42 17:38
535 Shameka Barrino F35-39 211 20/28 118/169 53:50 17:41
322 Debbie Putney F45-49 212 10/15 119/169 53:50 17:41
360 Nina Saroyan F45-49 213 11/15 120/169 54:05 17:46
756 Lori McCoy F40-44 214 19/23 121/169 54:05 17:46
378 Sofia Siniakowicz F0-18 215 39/44 122/169 54:28 17:53
377 Monika Siniakowicz F35-39 216 21/28 123/169 54:31 17:54
1622 Samantha Slattery F0-18 217 40/44 124/169 54:33 17:55
1624 Anthony Slattery M0-18 218 40/45 94/105 54:34 17:55
1640 Henry Stevenson M0-18 219 41/45 95/105 54:43 17:58
1639 Traci Stevenson F35-39 220 22/28 125/169 54:44 17:59
379 Katharine Slattery F45-49 221 12/15 126/169 54:45 17:59
1637 Sean Stevenson M35-39 222 11/12 96/105 54:46 17:59
731 Kendall Lee F0-18 223 41/44 127/169 54:47 18:00
730 Shawn Lee M40-44 224 15/17 97/105 54:48 18:00
301 Margaret Pajtas F60-64 225 4/7 128/169 54:50 18:01
328 Kelly Reynolds F30-34 226 8/16 129/169 54:58 18:03
1304 Nichole Denney F40-44 227 20/23 130/169 55:04 18:05
1306 Tatum Denney M0-18 228 42/45 98/105 55:05 18:06
1399 Renee Larm F30-34 229 9/16 131/169 55:51 18:21
587 Erika Craig F35-39 230 23/28 132/169 55:53 18:21
1314 Patrick Dye M35-39 231 12/12 99/105 55:57 18:23
734 Kris Levi M40-44 232 16/17 100/105 56:02 18:24
733 Candace Lehmann F70-74 233 1/1 133/169 56:03 18:25
508 Cheryl Allen F55-59 234 7/11 134/169 56:29 18:33
524 Samantha Antcliff F35-39 235 24/28 135/169 56:54 18:41
550 Hunter Brown M0-18 236 43/45 101/105 56:54 18:41
577 Erica Cody F30-34 237 10/16 136/169 57:10 18:47
1323 James Fitzhugh M55-59 238 6/6 102/105 57:15 18:48
1322 Jennifer Fitzhugh F50-54 239 11/14 137/169 57:16 18:48
1397 Rebecca Kramer F45-49 240 13/15 138/169 57:22 18:51
1358 Janelle Hutter F55-59 241 8/11 139/169 57:24 18:51
1316 Jenna Evans F35-39 242 25/28 140/169 57:24 18:51
1315 Robert Evans M40-44 243 17/17 103/105 57:25 18:52
1309 Renae Diggs F25-29 244 5/6 141/169 57:28 18:53

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