D 4.9 K Run/Walk


The D4.9 K Run/Walk is a family-friendly event for D49 staff, students, parents and community members. Our goal is to provide a fun, low-cost healthy event for members of our D49 community.


September 30, 2023 in Falcon, CO


Results By

4.9K - Results

Charts and Stats
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displaying: 1 - 17 of 17
number of records per page: [10] [all]

319 Jason Prunty M40-44 3 1/17 3/105 18:44 6:09
580 Daniel Coleman M40-44 22 2/17 17/105 22:46 7:29
566 Lance Carroll II M40-44 23 3/17 18/105 23:10 7:36
505 Johnny Alaniz M40-44 28 4/17 21/105 24:08 7:56
1336 Tim Gries M40-44 58 5/17 32/105 30:12 9:55
1354 Scott Hunter M40-44 85 6/17 47/105 36:27 11:58
1351 Oscar Hunt M40-44 96 7/17 53/105 38:33 12:40
586 Curtis Craig M40-44 115 8/17 58/105 41:52 13:45
340 Reed Romney M40-44 144 9/17 71/105 44:23 14:35
1219 Robert West M40-44 151 10/17 74/105 45:38 14:59
331 Ryan Richey M40-44 153 11/17 75/105 45:43 15:01
329 Chris Reynolds M40-44 172 12/17 82/105 50:16 16:31
1307 Michael Denney M40-44 190 13/17 85/105 52:28 17:14
585 Nicholas Cozzens M40-44 207 14/17 93/105 53:31 17:35
730 Shawn Lee M40-44 224 15/17 97/105 54:48 18:00
734 Kris Levi M40-44 232 16/17 100/105 56:02 18:24
1315 Robert Evans M40-44 243 17/17 103/105 57:25 18:52

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