Prefontaine Memorial Run

10K Overall - Results

Charts and Stats
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659 Aida Santoro F1519 45 1/38 5/420 43:16 6:58
305 Eli Garner M2024 46 7/33 41/421 43:24 7:00
184 Ron Potter M5054 47 2/29 42/421 43:37 7:02
388 Tyler Pedersen M3034 48 6/37 43/421 43:41 7:02
737 Shawn Miller M2529 49 6/36 44/421 43:47 7:03
787 Kyle Deiter M1519 50 11/50 45/421 43:50 7:04
623 Rocky Johnston M3539 51 4/43 46/421 43:55 7:04
361 Zebedee Anderson M1014 52 4/35 47/421 44:08 7:07
482 Gabby Hobson F1519 53 2/38 6/420 44:16 7:08
242 Lucas Korber M3539 54 5/43 48/421 44:19 7:08
739 Jason Mills M3034 55 7/37 49/421 44:21 7:09
861 Gary Lacasse M5054 56 3/29 50/421 44:25 7:09
12 Doug Veysey M5559 57 1/24 51/421 44:34 7:11
97 Lawrence Cheal M4044 58 5/34 52/421 44:42 7:12
715 Rob Moeny M4044 59 6/34 53/421 44:46 7:13
824 Philip Larson M5559 60 2/24 54/421 44:52 7:14
93 Kyle Clarke M3539 61 6/43 55/421 44:59 7:15
401 Hailey Finnigan F1519 62 3/38 7/420 45:03 7:15
669 Carolyn Cross F3034 63 1/53 8/420 45:03 7:15
661 Zachary Lathrom M1014 64 5/35 56/421 45:06 7:16
137 Jason Duval M2024 65 8/33 57/421 45:11 7:17
575 Frank Baumgartner M1519 66 12/50 58/421 45:25 7:19
201 Fred Ginestar M4044 67 7/34 59/421 45:29 7:20
895 Kaden Landau M1014 68 6/35 60/421 45:31 7:20
570 Sitceles Fry M1519 69 13/50 61/421 45:35 7:21
320 Hamner Brant M1519 70 14/50 62/421 45:40 7:21
574 Jacob Carpenter M1519 71 15/50 63/421 45:42 7:22
547 River Morse M1519 72 16/50 64/421 45:43 7:22
115 Ric Dowling M4044 73 8/34 65/421 45:44 7:22
20 Fabiola Lopez F5559 74 2/34 9/420 45:47 7:23
471 Chris McIntosh M3539 75 7/43 66/421 45:49 7:23
11 Matt Cottrell M4549 76 3/26 67/421 45:51 7:23
428 Trevor Dodge M3034 77 8/37 68/421 45:53 7:23
506 Mark Gagnon M5054 78 4/29 69/421 45:54 7:24
402 Jason Finnigan M4044 79 9/34 70/421 45:59 7:24
815 Michael Luna M1014 80 7/35 71/421 46:03 7:25
465 John Gunther M4044 81 10/34 72/421 46:05 7:25
716 Sydney Stalford M1014 82 8/35 73/421 46:06 7:26
569 Avi Gaston F1014 83 2/24 10/420 46:06 7:26
571 Warren Anderson M1519 84 17/50 74/421 46:08 7:26

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