Pride 5K: Walk, Run, & Roll - 2024



June 15, 2024 in Moline, IL


Results By

5K - Results

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Charts and Stats
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No division specific results were uploaded for this race.
No division specific results were uploaded for this race.

displaying: 1 - 10 of 164
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[next 10 records]

AGE: 8
1387 Charlotte Wells 84 44:36 14:24
AGE: 9
1373 Ryleigh Sommers 63 37:19 12:03
AGE: 11
1368 Zoey Shafer 56 35:12 11:22
AGE: 13
737 Elly Catahay-Soles 152 58:58 19:02
AGE: 14
1479 Guadalupe Duron 62 37:12 12:01
AGE: 15
1326 Lucas Iverson 18 23:54 7:43
1493 Amelia Leiby 45 31:51 10:17
743 Alex Cox 78 41:53 13:31
AGE: 17
1480 Marina Faulkner 139 58:25 18:51
AGE: 18
1370 Brynna Slankard 142 58:29 18:53

[next 10 records]

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