Camp Barnabas Campfire 5K


Break out your flannel and join us for this twilight 5K ending with cocoa and a campfire. We’ll supply the beards, but keep an eye out for BEARS (we hear they might be lurking around the course). You won’t want to miss this February race!


February 8, 2020 in Springfield, MO


Results By

5K - Results

Charts and Stats
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displaying: 1 - 15 of 15
number of records per page: [10] [all]

296 Deborah Dodge F5059 53 1/15 20/115 28:54 9:20
233 Kelly Walden F5059 77 2/15 35/115 31:59 10:20
153 Pam Bartz F5059 98 3/15 50/115 34:52 11:16
167 Carol Rummel F5059 117 4/15 65/115 37:24 12:05
134 Jane Clinkenbeard F5059 118 5/15 66/115 37:25 12:05
267 Minette Allmoslecher F5059 119 6/15 67/115 37:38 12:09
319 Rebecca Swindell F5059 126 7/15 73/115 38:53 12:33
311 Jami Jansen F5059 128 8/15 75/115 38:53 12:33
418 Marsha McClanahan F5059 146 9/15 88/115 45:56 14:50
207 Rose McFarland F5059 149 10/15 90/115 46:41 15:04
127 Peggy Gibson F5059 152 11/15 92/115 47:21 15:17
183 Melody Ward F5059 153 12/15 93/115 47:31 15:20
182 Michelle Perschbacher F5059 154 13/15 94/115 47:31 15:20
421 Teri Poindexter F5059 166 14/15 100/115 48:25 15:38
135 Shelley Cantrell F5059 188 15/15 113/115 1:01:33 19:52

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