Quad Cities Marathon 2013

5K Run/Walk - Results

Charts and Stats
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displaying: 1 - 29 of 29
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3371 Jeff Stringham M6064 26 1/29 22/324 20:39 6:40
3874 Steven Terronez M6064 27 2/29 23/324 21:02 6:48
3541 Bob Madison M6064 30 3/29 26/324 21:10 6:50
4008 Craig Patterson M6064 34 4/29 29/324 21:20 6:53
3875 Mark Cook M6064 45 5/29 38/324 22:03 7:07
3289 Eugene Hoover M6064 67 6/29 57/324 23:13 7:30
3970 Gilbert Terronez M6064 103 7/29 81/324 24:51 8:01
3272 Michael Ratkiewicz M6064 120 8/29 94/324 25:29 8:14
3955 Octavio Garcia M6064 141 9/29 105/324 26:10 8:27
3701 Brian Herron M6064 177 10/29 125/324 27:17 8:48
3969 William Bails M6064 184 11/29 126/324 27:31 8:53
3904 Charles Stengel M6064 218 12/29 138/324 28:16 9:08
3865 Jeffrey Bassman M6064 268 13/29 153/324 29:29 9:31
3382 Ivan Day M6064 274 14/29 157/324 29:35 9:33
3927 Dale Keppy M6064 448 15/29 204/324 34:14 11:03
3945 Owen Rowlands M6064 466 16/29 208/324 34:50 11:15
3196 William Falkenstein M6064 485 17/29 217/324 35:16 11:23
3132 Ted Vandewoestyne M6064 568 18/29 238/324 39:23 12:42
3630 Joseph Solis M6064 588 19/29 242/324 40:40 13:07
3370 Ted Johnson M6064 618 20/29 249/324 41:59 13:33
3097 Michael Frye M6064 728 21/29 278/324 48:24 15:37
3433 Lawrence Mosher M6064 742 22/29 280/324 49:32 15:59
3050 N/a Richard M6064 771 23/29 290/324 51:12 16:31
3392 Mike Mack M6064 787 24/29 296/324 52:42 17:00
3440 Hugh Barry M6064 790 25/29 298/324 52:44 17:01
3797 Rod Hoing M6064 794 26/29 300/324 52:47 17:02
3123 J. Frank Iliff M6064 801 27/29 301/324 53:17 17:11
3220 Michael Witt M6064 815 28/29 305/324 54:01 17:26
3141 Larry Sandefur M6064 846 29/29 312/324 56:13 18:08

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