Quad Cities Marathon 2013

5K Run/Walk - Results

Charts and Stats
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3278 Cathy Lack F5054 31 1/54 5/565 21:12 6:51
3546 Vicky Wyffels F5054 138 2/54 35/565 25:59 8:23
3903 Bridget Stengel F5054 155 3/54 40/565 26:24 8:31
3958 Sherry Hermiston F5054 166 4/54 46/565 26:53 8:41
3113 Angela Aten F5054 233 5/54 84/565 28:37 9:14
3280 Debbie James F5054 247 6/54 94/565 28:56 9:20
3688 Sherri Matuszyk F5054 248 7/54 95/565 28:58 9:21
3626 Dawn Rowe-Morling F5054 260 8/54 104/565 29:20 9:28
590 Cindy Saad F5054 276 9/54 114/565 29:36 9:33
3314 Sandra Miller F5054 292 10/54 127/565 29:55 9:39
3581 Kimberly Nelson F5054 386 11/54 193/565 32:00 10:20
3308 Cheri Bustos F5054 389 12/54 196/565 32:04 10:21
3605 Carol Mottet F5054 391 13/54 198/565 32:06 10:22
3114 Debbie Case F5054 415 14/54 214/565 33:06 10:41
3286 June McGraw F5054 416 15/54 215/565 33:07 10:41
3931 Donna Stohl F5054 417 16/54 216/565 33:09 10:42
3183 Julie Boyle F5054 423 17/54 219/565 33:20 10:46
3855 Lorine McNamara F5054 430 18/54 223/565 33:26 10:47
3755 Jayne Mooney F5054 451 19/54 237/565 34:19 11:05
3623 Renee Bodenschatz F5054 482 20/54 258/565 35:14 11:22
3393 Lindy Atchison F5054 511 21/54 278/565 36:38 11:49
3791 Sandy Swanson F5054 515 22/54 281/565 36:45 11:52
3708 Judy Jones F5054 519 23/54 285/565 36:57 11:55
3988 Lynn Grafton F5054 522 24/54 287/565 37:12 12:00
8074 Simone Huskey F5054 527 25/54 291/565 37:37 12:08
3167 Nancy Rupe F5054 592 26/54 336/565 40:43 13:09
3600 Sandra Hufford F5054 597 27/54 341/565 40:57 13:13
3968 Kathryn Combes F5054 601 28/54 345/565 41:07 13:16
3648 Lesa Malcolm-Bivens F5054 607 29/54 350/565 41:22 13:21
3518 Leanne Shaw F5054 619 30/54 357/565 41:59 13:33
3702 Laura Simmons F5054 642 31/54 372/565 43:14 13:57
3343 Dianne Egan F5054 660 32/54 387/565 44:29 14:21
3177 Kelly Gustafson F5054 661 33/54 388/565 44:29 14:21
3377 Denise Joens F5054 669 34/54 394/565 45:02 14:32
3221 Shari Cole F5054 684 35/54 406/565 46:23 14:58
3271 Kelly Vale F5054 697 36/54 416/565 47:03 15:11
3223 Catherine Bermel F5054 698 37/54 417/565 47:03 15:11
3240 Susie Marston F5054 701 38/54 420/565 47:16 15:15
3098 Ann Meminger F5054 702 39/54 421/565 47:16 15:15
3396 Cathy Mack F5054 705 40/54 423/565 47:22 15:17
3696 Kari Collins F5054 722 41/54 433/565 48:13 15:34
3794 Teresa Van Alsburg F5054 732 42/54 440/565 48:35 15:41
3244 Bobbie Millwood F5054 739 43/54 447/565 49:06 15:51
3013 Mary Kelley F5054 753 44/54 457/565 50:02 16:09
3269 Theresa Gabelhausen F5054 762 45/54 464/565 50:30 16:18
3080 Kokila Kumar F5054 779 46/54 473/565 51:46 16:42
3452 Debra Peters F5054 786 47/54 478/565 52:39 16:59
3991 Tammy Brokaw F5054 810 48/54 494/565 53:46 17:21
3538 Donna Thompson F5054 813 49/54 497/565 53:56 17:24
3484 Trudy McLaughlin F5054 819 50/54 500/565 54:18 17:31
3645 Kimberly Blake F5054 833 51/54 513/565 54:49 17:41
3246 Mary Lee F5054 854 52/54 527/565 56:49 18:20
3313 Mary Henning F5054 855 53/54 528/565 56:50 18:20
3652 Tamara McKay F5054 867 54/54 538/565 58:42 18:57

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