Leaves of Hope 5K/10K

5K Results


June 5, 2011 in Wheat Ridge, CO

5K Results - Results

1592 Patricia Layman F6069 13 1/15 6/111 22:09 23:16 7:09
1781 Jan Huie F6069 37 2/15 19/111 28:07 28:14 9:04
1856 Patte Paquette F6069 50 3/15 25/111 30:56 31:06 9:59
1775 Judy Hindman F6069 65 4/15 32/111 32:54 33:08 10:37
1538 Barb Pronck F6069 69 5/15 36/111 33:12 33:30 10:43
1875 Lupe Segura F6069 94 6/15 55/111 40:15 40:31 12:59
1713 Alice Bouley F6069 112 7/15 69/111 44:15 44:36 14:17
1868 Leslie Woods F6069 114 8/15 71/111 45:03 45:17 14:32
1773 Patricia Hay F6069 128 9/15 80/111 51:22 51:37 16:35
1905 Susan Westervelt F6069 135 10/15 86/111 54:00 54:23 17:25
1865 Luba Pyrih F6069 137 11/15 87/111 54:07 54:38 17:28
1738 Eloise Connell F6069 143 12/15 91/111 55:27 55:49 17:54
1890 Cynthia Stout F6069 144 13/15 92/111 55:27 55:50 17:54
1519 Margo Bant F6069 147 14/15 94/111 56:23 57:13 18:12
1720 Mary Anne Brossman F6069 148 15/15 95/111 57:42 57:59 18:37
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