Run to Get Lucky



March 15, 2014 in Corvallis, OR


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[next 40 records]

251 Evan Pardi 20 M M 20-24 1 1/21 1 16:02 5:10
214 Aaron Seipel 22 M M 20-24 2 2/21 2 16:52 5:26
192 Marco Ramirez 20 M M 20-24 3 3/21 3 17:12 5:33
4 Dylan Anderson 23 M M 20-24 4 4/21 4 17:47 5:44
94 Quincy Gill 18 M M 15-19 5 1/3 5 17:59 5:48
100 Joshua Graves 26 M M 25-29 6 1/11 6 18:18 5:54
40 Jake Busche 21 M M 20-24 7 5/21 7 18:21 5:55
6 Matt Anderson 22 M M 20-24 8 6/21 8 18:24 5:56
229 Jake Taylor 21 M M 20-24 9 7/21 9 18:25 5:56
115 Harrison Holzgang 21 M M 20-24 10 8/21 10 18:39 6:01
177 Chad Ornberg 25 M M 25-29 11 2/11 11 19:30 6:17
199 Eddie Rodriguez 20 M M 20-24 12 9/21 12 19:34 6:19
12 Justin Bazzano 31 M M 30-34 13 1/14 13 19:39 6:20
142 Liz Miller 26 F F 25-29 14 1/29 1 19:39 6:20
87 Ryan Garner 32 M M 30-34 15 2/14 14 20:04 6:28
84 Brendan Flynn 27 M M 25-29 16 3/11 15 20:34 6:38
282 Lachlan Pettigrew 13 M M 01-14 17 1/5 16 20:38 6:39
269 Cully Desmond 44 M M 40-44 18 1/9 17 20:48 6:43
31 Melissa Britsch 17 F F 15-19 19 1/7 2 20:49 6:43
18 Bruce Bingham 24 M M 20-24 20 10/21 18 20:54 6:45
221 Shawn Sokolsky 21 M M 20-24 21 11/21 19 20:55 6:45
147 Mark McGuire 22 M M 20-24 22 12/21 20 20:57 6:45
169 Elizabeth Nichols 21 F F 20-24 23 1/33 3 20:58 6:46
138 Grant Livingston 25 M M 25-29 24 4/11 21 21:16 6:52
256 Brad Frederick 48 M M 45-49 25 1/10 22 21:19 6:53
101 Carson Gray 15 M M 15-19 26 2/3 23 21:25 6:55
121 Rachel Jensen 21 F F 20-24 27 2/33 4 21:38 6:59
270 Fred Volk 58 M M 55-59 28 1/3 24 21:51 7:03
156 Mark Miller 46 M M 45-49 29 2/10 25 21:58 7:05
263 Benjamin Philmnus 35 M M 35-39 30 1/9 26 21:59 7:05
10 Erik Arnesen 33 M M 30-34 31 3/14 27 22:09 7:09
102 Gwen Gray 12 F F 01-14 32 1/8 5 22:12 7:10
182 Charlene Paulson 53 F F 50-54 33 1/9 6 22:20 7:12
267 Aidan Desmond 10 M M 01-14 34 2/5 28 22:21 7:13
208 Angelyn Salyer 22 F F 20-24 35 3/33 7 22:30 7:15
257 Mitch Ridge 29 M M 25-29 36 5/11 29 22:38 7:18
268 Chandler Morris 14 M M 01-14 37 3/5 30 22:39 7:18
129 Laura Kingzett 22 M M 20-24 38 13/21 31 22:41 7:19
220 Bryce Siegel 23 M M 20-24 39 14/21 32 22:57 7:24
124 Laurie Juranek 36 F F 35-39 40 1/17 8 23:08 7:28

[next 40 records]

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