Mohican 100 Trail Run - 2021



June 19, 2021 in Loudonville, OH

Results By

Marathon - Results

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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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994 Steve Suredick, Jr. M40_49 28 24/94 12:00:20 12:36:18 13:18:56 14:15:58 15:43:32 17:40:11 5:39:52 12:59
812 Richard Barton M60_69 29 25/94 12:00:24 12:43:13 13:37:10 14:46:20 16:17:13 17:43:02 5:42:39 13:05
941 Geni Scalio F50_59 30 5/66 12:00:26 12:44:21 13:37:11 14:43:03 16:18:23 17:46:11 5:45:45 13:12
894 Aleksai Losey M0_29 31 26/94 12:00:43 12:45:41 13:35:35 14:41:16 16:12:04 17:46:44 5:46:00 13:13
978 Uriah Yoder M0_29 32 27/94 12:00:33 12:42:09 13:29:10 14:32:44 16:12:02 17:46:45 5:46:12 13:13
848 Brock Everhart M30_39 33 28/94 12:00:34 12:43:56 13:30:27 14:33:09 16:03:01 17:49:19 5:48:45 13:19
935 Luster Roush M50_59 34 29/94 12:00:23 12:44:15 13:38:37 14:46:18 16:22:46 17:51:14 5:50:50 13:24
844 Shelly Eggleston F50_59 35 6/66 12:00:27 12:43:50 13:35:37 14:45:32 16:20:14 17:51:27 5:51:01 13:24
904 Joel McCreery M40_49 36 30/94 12:00:26 12:43:50 13:35:31 14:45:30 16:19:54 17:51:27 5:51:01 13:24
890 Ashley Kusner F30_39 37 7/66 12:00:42 12:48:12 13:42:57 14:53:17 16:23:12 17:51:47 5:51:04 13:24
920 Chris Pettigrew M50_59 38 31/94 12:00:34 12:46:19 13:40:28 14:47:11 16:23:10 17:51:49 5:51:15 13:25
823 Andrew Broton M30_39 39 32/94 12:00:22 12:42:14 13:30:05 14:34:24 16:18:09 17:53:05 5:52:43 13:28
876 Luke Iliff M30_39 40 33/94 12:00:33 12:45:23 13:33:52 14:38:20 16:15:42 17:56:16 5:55:43 13:35
954 Claudia Studak F50_59 41 8/66 12:00:31 12:47:21 13:44:42 14:56:18 16:26:46 17:56:16 5:55:44 13:35
971 Bill Wilfinger M50_59 42 34/94 12:00:29 12:48:17 13:39:04 14:41:39 16:18:06 17:58:50 5:58:21 13:41
980 Bob Alexander M40_49 43 35/94 12:00:31 12:44:39 13:33:50 14:40:38 16:15:30 17:59:48 5:59:17 13:43
867 Emily Heithaus F40_49 44 9/66 12:00:27 12:42:06 13:30:25 14:35:49 16:16:04 18:00:47 6:00:20 13:46
822 Kimberly Bracken F40_49 45 10/66 12:00:20 12:42:07 13:36:27 14:46:38 16:22:33 18:03:19 6:03:00 13:52
845 Mike Else M50_59 46 36/94 12:00:29 12:44:17 13:35:44 14:42:29 16:17:09 18:03:36 6:03:07 13:52
928 Robert Ray M50_59 47 37/94 12:00:21 12:45:18 13:42:14 14:51:47 16:31:20 18:03:55 6:03:33 13:53
936 Brian Russ M40_49 48 38/94 12:00:30 12:45:33 13:40:12 14:53:03 16:32:55 18:04:47 6:04:17 13:55
930 Jerry Rex M70_Plu 49 39/94 12:00:30 12:45:27 13:40:11 14:53:16 16:32:58 18:04:50 6:04:20 13:55
943 Christian Searcy M0_29 50 40/94 12:00:32 12:40:47 13:28:21 14:32:48 16:12:20 18:06:27 6:05:55 13:58
968 Kalin Weber F30_39 51 11/66 12:00:34 12:45:29 13:36:51 14:53:47 16:37:27 18:08:32 6:07:58 14:03
814 Katrin Bates F30_39 52 12/66 12:00:33 12:45:37 13:40:32 14:53:46 16:37:19 18:08:32 6:07:58 14:03
856 Doug Gladman M40_49 53 41/94 12:00:22 12:41:55 13:33:29 14:43:51 16:38:07 18:08:35 6:08:14 14:04
908 Allma Miller F30_39 54 13/66 12:00:28 12:47:04 13:43:36 14:56:44 16:38:28 18:11:45 6:11:17 14:11
970 Ryan Wiens M30_39 55 42/94 12:00:42 12:49:42 13:45:08 14:55:12 16:33:08 18:13:09 6:12:27 14:13
843 Emil y Durrett F30_39 56 14/66 12:00:30 12:48:12 13:45:33 15:02:39 16:48:09 18:21:33 6:21:03 14:33
860 Renee Guthrie F30_39 57 15/66 12:00:26 12:45:40 13:40:23 14:52:52 16:36:40 18:22:10 6:21:44 14:35
1009 Marla Hibbitts F50_59 58 16/66 12:00:21 12:45:14 13:40:10 14:55:08 16:43:16 18:24:08 6:23:47 14:39
955 Michael Teixeira M50_59 59 43/94 12:00:24 12:44:01 13:38:06 14:52:36 16:45:09 18:24:53 6:24:30 14:41
850 Jeri Fenske Chambers F30_39 60 17/66 12:00:24 12:44:03 13:38:07 14:52:47 16:45:13 18:24:54 6:24:30 14:41
946 Tom Silva M50_59 61 44/94 12:00:33 12:44:06 13:42:55 14:59:21 16:45:34 18:25:06 6:24:33 14:41
813 Crystal Barton F40_49 62 18/66 12:00:23 12:43:48 13:38:05 14:51:34 16:42:42 18:25:46 6:25:22 14:43
992 William Revels M30_39 63 45/94 12:00:46 12:49:45 13:44:23 14:59:25 16:46:51 18:30:08 6:29:22 14:52
811 Emily Baker F0_29 64 19/66 12:00:35 12:52:14 13:54:49 15:19:55 16:58:59 18:32:44 6:32:09 14:59
982 Rebecca Clark F30_39 65 20/66 12:00:34 12:52:13 13:54:48 15:19:54 16:58:58 18:32:44 6:32:10 14:59
972 Larry Williams M60_69 66 46/94 12:00:40 12:50:50 13:48:46 15:03:42 16:50:02 18:34:06 6:33:27 15:02
976 Wei-Pin Wu M60_69 67 47/94 12:00:25 12:43:03 13:32:34 14:43:55 16:31:08 18:36:13 6:35:48 15:07

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