Flying Pig Marathon 2010

City Dash Open 4-Person Relay

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May 2, 2010 in Cincinnati, OH

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City Dash Open 4-Person Relay - Results

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8215 COED THE LOLLY JOGGERS 233 162/400 1:06:26 9:43 154 54:58 10:39 330 1:16:20 9:58 312 1:05:08 9:57 209 4:22:50
8493 FEMALE SWEAT BANDITS 234 25/136 1:10:46 10:21 238 45:13 8:46 101 1:22:20 10:44 405 1:04:35 9:52 203 4:22:53
8496 FEMALE GROOVY GALS 235 26/136 1:09:10 10:07 209 52:32 10:11 272 1:21:21 10:37 392 59:52 9:09 132 4:22:53
8098 FEMALE EQUALLY GROOVY GALS 236 27/136 1:09:10 10:07 210 52:33 10:11 273 1:21:21 10:37 393 59:52 9:09 131 4:22:54
8567 COED ALL THE WAY HOME 237 163/400 1:04:32 9:26 126 44:12 8:34 80 1:25:56 11:13 449 1:08:20 10:26 279 4:22:58
8231 MALE IF YOUR AIN'T FIRST YOU'RE LAST 238 48/76 1:22:47 12:07 450 52:01 10:05 260 1:12:56 9:31 251 55:30 8:29 69 4:23:13
8166 FEMALE RUN FOR WALT TEAM 8 239 28/136 1:03:52 9:21 122 48:10 9:21 164 1:12:12 9:25 245 1:19:01 12:04 425 4:23:14
8176 COED PIGS IN A BLANKET 1 240 164/400 1:27:35 12:49 494 44:13 8:35 82 1:14:08 9:40 272 57:20 8:46 95 4:23:15
8593 COED TEAM SHAY-NUH 241 165/400 1:09:58 10:14 225 41:55 8:08 40 1:20:06 10:27 376 1:11:24 10:54 335 4:23:20
8631 MALE E-MEN 242 49/76 1:06:55 9:47 164 59:25 11:31 395 1:19:43 10:24 371 57:25 8:46 97 4:23:25
8555 FEMALE FISH OUT OF WATER 243 29/136 1:11:19 10:26 247 46:30 9:01 121 1:15:32 9:51 292 1:10:21 10:45 324 4:23:40
8538 COED SWAPALEASE.COM 244 166/400 1:17:14 11:18 358 54:55 10:39 327 1:09:55 9:07 205 1:01:43 9:26 165 4:23:46
8153 COED TEAM HOG JOG 1 245 167/400 1:13:46 10:47 306 51:20 9:57 248 1:19:41 10:24 370 59:03 9:01 116 4:23:48
8522 FEMALE ROCKS 1 246 30/136 1:03:49 9:20 117 53:12 10:19 289 1:17:52 10:10 342 1:09:05 10:33 298 4:23:56
8523 COED ROCKS 2 247 168/400 1:03:49 9:20 118 53:12 10:19 290 - - - - - - 4:23:57
8020 COED TEAM JAKE 248 169/400 1:05:58 9:39 148 53:27 10:22 293 1:27:29 11:25 464 57:08 8:44 93 4:24:01
8724 COED BEAUTIES AND THE BEASTS 249 170/400 1:04:25 9:26 125 56:21 10:56 350 1:15:18 9:49 288 1:08:00 10:23 271 4:24:03
8201 COED MISTERS A SISTER WITH BLISTERS 250 171/400 1:03:11 9:15 107 1:07:28 13:05 468 1:14:04 9:40 270 59:26 9:05 124 4:24:07
8281 COED XUUCOSUUR 251 172/400 1:03:33 9:18 113 48:46 9:27 184 1:08:58 9:00 184 1:22:57 12:40 469 4:24:12
8643 COED CITY GOSPEL 252 173/400 1:00:14 8:49 73 59:13 11:29 392 1:15:45 9:53 301 1:09:02 10:33 296 4:24:14
8614 COED ZETTLER 253 174/400 1:24:39 12:23 473 48:29 9:24 177 - - - - - - 4:24:31
8453 COED TEAM GNARWAHL 254 175/400 - - - - - - 1:02:40 8:11 89 1:13:56 11:18 365 4:24:36
8521 COED BEAUTIES AND THE BEAST 2 255 176/400 1:10:38 10:20 235 57:17 11:06 365 1:19:21 10:21 360 57:27 8:47 98 4:24:41
8126 COED ARE WE THERE YET-ERS 256 177/400 1:02:34 9:09 100 54:03 10:29 309 1:17:49 10:09 341 1:10:24 10:45 325 4:24:48
8158 COED UPAH 2 257 178/400 1:23:44 12:15 458 48:52 9:29 187 1:16:44 10:01 318 55:37 8:30 71 4:24:56
8202 COED QUICK AS MOLASSES 258 179/400 1:08:33 10:02 194 56:07 10:53 348 1:17:17 10:05 329 1:03:11 9:39 184 4:25:06
8394 COED TEAM NICKEL 1 259 180/400 1:15:44 11:05 337 42:56 8:20 54 1:17:22 10:06 334 1:09:07 10:34 299 4:25:08
8261 COED TEAM NICKEL 2 260 181/400 1:15:43 11:05 334 42:57 8:20 55 1:17:22 10:06 333 1:09:07 10:34 301 4:25:08
8172 COED THE DEADLINES 261 182/400 1:17:51 11:23 369 47:34 9:13 150 1:03:44 8:19 100 1:16:03 11:37 392 4:25:10
8530 COED LOS BORRACHOS 262 183/400 1:15:46 11:05 338 50:12 9:44 218 1:10:05 9:09 208 1:09:19 10:35 305 4:25:20
8323 COED TERRORS OF THE TRAIL 263 184/400 1:08:11 9:59 189 57:34 11:10 371 1:09:54 9:07 204 1:09:47 10:40 313 4:25:25
8505 COED FLYING PIGGIES 264 185/400 1:12:26 10:36 272 - - - - - - 1:04:20 9:50 199 4:25:32
8578 MALE CLOROX TEAM 265 50/76 57:13 8:22 46 58:03 11:15 376 1:17:08 10:04 327 1:13:11 11:11 357 4:25:34
8409 COED OLSHAVSKY'S 266 186/400 1:27:37 12:49 495 50:38 9:49 228 1:00:36 7:54 70 1:06:51 10:13 245 4:25:41
8441 MALE I.F.D. BUCKET BRIGADE 267 51/76 1:12:01 10:32 258 42:00 8:09 42 1:10:57 9:15 223 1:20:52 12:21 444 4:25:48
8105 FEMALE LA CABANA 268 31/136 1:17:59 11:25 373 46:16 8:58 117 1:13:22 9:34 259 1:08:19 10:26 278 4:25:54
8357 COED COME ON EILEEN 269 187/400 1:08:08 9:58 187 50:50 9:51 238 1:19:53 10:25 373 1:07:08 10:15 253 4:25:57
8471 COED CMRF 270 188/400 1:13:28 10:45 300 56:42 11:00 358 1:12:24 9:27 248 1:03:28 9:42 188 4:26:01
8422 FEMALE THIS PORK'S FOR YOU 271 32/136 1:12:06 10:33 262 49:17 9:34 195 1:20:36 10:31 389 1:04:06 9:48 195 4:26:04
8273 COED I NEED A STRETCHER 272 189/400 - - - - - - - - - - - - 4:26:12

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