Run of The Mill 5K

5k Road Race


July 7, 2012 in Mill Creek, WA

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5k Road Race - Results

Charts and Stats
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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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877 John Ocampo 26 M M2029 - Everett WA 259 24/59 195/581 25:01 8:05
1071 Kelly Shirey 35 M M3039 - Everett WA 260 38/115 196/581 25:02 8:05
1021 Bob Sandall 54 M M5059 Smiles And Miles For Sandy Renton WA 261 16/63 197/581 25:03 8:05
59 Olivia Balch 12 F F0112 - Bothell WA 262 5/56 64/740 25:05 8:06
560 James Huffman 45 M M4049 - Kenmore WA 263 32/111 198/581 25:06 8:06
1217 Jacob Waller 34 M M3039 - Bothell WA 264 39/115 199/581 25:06 8:06
1420 Annika Beck 11 F F0112 - Bothell WA 265 0/0 65/740 25:07 8:07
704 Jimin Lee 19 M M1619 Jackson Xc tf Mill Creek WA 266 38/50 200/581 25:08 8:07
43 Derek Atkinson 46 M M4049 - Snohomish WA 267 33/111 201/581 25:13 8:08
122 Andrew Boden 12 M M0112 - Mill Creek WA 268 6/72 202/581 25:13 8:08
864 Deborah Nicholson 54 F F5059 - Mill Creek WA 269 6/73 66/740 25:16 8:09
11 Edith Agoston 30 F F3039 - Mill Creek WA 270 14/166 67/740 25:17 8:10
905 Amy Ostwald 49 F F4049 - Elma WA 271 10/158 68/740 25:18 8:10
577 Jordan Jackson-Brewer 13 M M1315 - Snohomish WA 272 30/46 203/581 25:18 8:10
1395 Gina Cadena Forney 35 F F3039 - Snohomish WA 273 0/0 69/740 25:19 8:10
1033 Eiichi Sato 47 M M4049 - Bothell WA 274 34/111 204/581 25:19 8:10
1398 Landon Spaw 14 M M1315 - Bothell WA 275 0/0 205/581 25:20 8:11
397 Thomas Fout 51 M M5059 - Bothell WA 276 17/63 206/581 25:21 8:11
73 Dakota Barnes 12 F F0112 - Carnation WA 277 6/56 70/740 25:23 8:12
368 Kyle Erickson 11 M M0112 - Mill Creek WA 278 7/72 207/581 25:24 8:12
857 Ryan Nelson 30 M M3039 - Mill Creek WA 279 40/115 208/581 25:24 8:12
546 Connor Holtzclaw 10 M M0112 - Mill Creek WA 280 8/72 209/581 25:24 8:12
904 Tyler Oshiro 20 M M2029 - Mukilteo WA 281 25/59 210/581 25:25 8:12
527 Marisa Hewitt 45 F F4049 Inner Athlete Mill Creek WA 282 11/158 71/740 25:26 8:12
141 Filip Bras 12 M M0112 - Mill Creek WA 283 9/72 211/581 25:28 8:13
468 Cole Gross 13 F F1315 - Mill Creek WA 284 9/46 72/740 25:29 8:14
469 Kelle Gross 42 F F4049 - Mill Creek WA 285 12/158 73/740 25:29 8:14
660 Josh Kirby 17 M M1619 - Bothell WA 286 39/50 212/581 25:29 8:14
681 Amiee Lambright 38 F F3039 Inner Athlete Everett WA 287 15/166 74/740 25:30 8:14
507 Alicia Hayes 27 F F2029 - Snohomish WA 288 11/122 75/740 25:30 8:14
666 Stacy Kowalchuk 25 F F2029 - Mill Creek WA 289 12/122 76/740 25:30 8:14
1133 Kari Tanta 45 F F4049 - Snohomish WA 290 13/158 77/740 25:32 8:15
967 Lisa Reid 47 F F4049 - Bothell WA 291 14/158 78/740 25:34 8:15
476 Kristina Gutierrez 35 F F3039 Mill Creek Foursquare Arlington WA 292 16/166 79/740 25:34 8:15
875 Sahil Oberoi 14 M M1315 Winshuttle Rc Bothell WA 293 31/46 213/581 25:35 8:16
701 Binh Le 25 M M2029 - Lynnwood WA 294 26/59 214/581 25:35 8:16
487 Jennifer Hamel 46 F F4049 - Bothell,wa WA 295 15/158 80/740 25:36 8:16
1264 Amy Williams 33 F F3039 Mill Creek Foursquare Lake Stevens WA 296 17/166 81/740 25:36 8:16
960 Katie Rawlins 13 F F1315 - Mill Creek WA 297 10/46 82/740 25:39 8:17
349 Chris Eastwood 42 M M4049 Inner Athlete Mill Creek WA 298 35/111 215/581 25:39 8:17

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