Run of The Mill 5K

5k Road Race


July 7, 2012 in Mill Creek, WA

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5k Road Race - Results

Charts and Stats
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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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331 Mario Doiron 37 M M3039 - Bothell WA 356 47/115 252/581 26:26 8:32
351 Andrea Eberly 31 F F3039 - Seattle WA 357 21/166 104/740 26:26 8:32
471 Claire Grosvenor 17 F F1619 Jackson Xc tf Mill Creek WA 358 15/45 105/740 26:29 8:33
1297 Derek Yee 16 M M1619 - Mill Creek WA 359 41/50 253/581 26:30 8:33
1260 Tyler Ann Wigington 18 F F1619 Inner Athlete Mill Creek WA 360 16/45 106/740 26:31 8:34
360 Chris Emmerson 44 M M4049 - Mill Creek WA 361 49/111 254/581 26:33 8:34
563 Andrew Hunter 39 M M3039 - Everett WA 362 48/115 255/581 26:34 8:35
805 Nate Mercaldo 32 M M3039 - Nashville TN 363 49/115 256/581 26:39 8:36
1088 Jennifer Smith 28 F F2029 - Bellevue WA 364 18/122 107/740 26:39 8:36
799 Katherine Meek 22 F F2029 - Oak Harbor WA 365 19/122 108/740 26:41 8:37
982 Kelly Richards 43 F F4049 - Bothell WA 366 20/158 109/740 26:41 8:37
981 Anna Richards 15 F F1315 Inglemoor Xc Bothell WA 367 13/46 110/740 26:41 8:37
680 Rafael Lamarca 57 M M5059 - Marysville WA 368 22/63 257/581 26:43 8:37
25 Jeremy Anderson 30 M M3039 - Mill Creek WA 369 50/115 258/581 26:44 8:38
1381 Jodi Galli 38 F F3039 - Lake Stevens WA 370 0/0 111/740 26:47 8:39
1023 Gail Sandall 52 F F5059 Smiles And Miles For Sandy Renton WA 371 10/73 112/740 26:48 8:39
307 Roger Dequay 47 M M4049 - Mill Creek WA 372 50/111 259/581 26:49 8:39
1246 Julia Westgate 41 F F4049 - Mill Creek WA 373 21/158 113/740 26:49 8:39
1429 Katie Brandvold 13 F F1315 - Snohomish WA 374 0/0 114/740 26:49 8:40
362 Kameron Ensign 36 M M3039 - Bellevue WA 375 51/115 260/581 26:49 8:40
847 Brad Nardone 22 M M2029 - Mill Creek WA 376 33/59 261/581 26:50 8:40
1359 Luke Buckley 7 M M0112 - Bothell WA 377 11/72 262/581 26:50 8:40
1360 Bruce Buckley 43 M M4049 - Bothell WA 378 51/111 263/581 26:50 8:40
91 Chris Baxter 29 M M2029 - Lynnwood WA 379 34/59 264/581 26:51 8:40
634 John Kellum 42 M M4049 - Bothell WA 380 52/111 265/581 26:52 8:40
956 MacY Ratliff 55 F F5059 - Kenmore WA 381 11/73 115/740 26:52 8:40
68 Mitchell Banning 19 M M1619 - Bothell WA 382 42/50 266/581 26:52 8:40
1204 Matt Volkmann 43 M M4049 Brainiacs Lynnwood WA 383 53/111 267/581 26:52 8:40
731 Emily Lovern 17 F F1619 Team Mc4 Bothell WA 384 17/45 116/740 26:53 8:41
787 Kaela McKee 99 F F - Mill Creek WA 385 1/1 117/740 26:54 8:41
149 Dawn Brooke 42 F F4049 - Mill Creek WA 386 22/158 118/740 26:57 8:42
1282 Melissa Wolfe 53 F F5059 - Kirkland WA 387 12/73 119/740 26:57 8:42
436 Nancy Gianacopulos 28 F F2029 - Bothell WA 388 20/122 120/740 26:58 8:42
135 Kathy Bozich-Miller 48 F F4049 - Everett WA 389 23/158 121/740 26:59 8:43
1055 Chris Schwab 26 M M2029 - Lynnwood WA 390 35/59 268/581 27:00 8:43
279 Michael Danas 23 M M2029 - Marysville WA 391 36/59 269/581 27:01 8:43
1428 Jacob Brandvold 10 M M0112 - Snohomish WA 392 0/0 270/581 27:01 8:43
504 Henry Haveman 18 M M1619 - Lynnwood WA 393 43/50 271/581 27:02 8:43
937 Taylor Pirnke 20 M M2029 - Mill Creek WA 394 37/59 272/581 27:02 8:44
192 Donna Cancel 64 F F6069 - Huntsville AL 395 1/28 122/740 27:03 8:44

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