EWEB Run To Stay Warm

Half Marathon Overall - Results

Charts and Stats
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371 Craig Iseli M2529 43 9/30 35/199 1:35:11 7:16
901 Christopher Butler M4549 44 3/21 37/199 1:35:21 7:17
987 Terra Yates F3539 45 2/34 8/229 1:35:23 7:17
999 Brett Steele M5054 46 2/17 38/199 1:35:35 7:18
111 Matthew Burtch M3539 47 8/31 42/199 1:35:40 7:19
208 Morgen Dorsey F1519 48 1/8 9/229 1:35:42 7:19
424 John Kremer M4549 49 4/21 39/199 1:35:43 7:19
646 Gabriel Reed M3539 50 7/31 41/199 1:35:56 7:20
78 Todd Bosworth M5559 51 2/13 40/199 1:36:01 7:20
780 Trevor Stroh M2529 52 10/30 43/199 1:36:51 7:24
412 John Henry King Iii M2529 53 11/30 44/199 1:36:51 7:24
4 Pete Dolan M4044 54 4/20 45/199 1:37:19 7:26
1041 Nicole Von Germeten F4044 55 2/32 10/229 1:37:34 7:27
953 Rodrigo Hidalgo M3539 56 9/31 46/199 1:37:35 7:27
336 Tom Hoisington M3034 57 6/21 47/199 1:37:36 7:28
748 Carla Spangler F4044 58 3/32 12/229 1:37:39 7:28
47 Kirsten Barnett F4549 59 2/18 13/229 1:37:49 7:28
926 Chris Hoge M3539 60 11/31 49/199 1:37:49 7:29
925 Claire Karner F2529 61 4/34 11/229 1:37:51 7:29
996 Miles Durista M3539 62 10/31 48/199 1:38:01 7:29
833 Lucky Warwick M5054 63 3/17 50/199 1:38:07 7:30
136 Katie Christian F3034 64 1/47 14/229 1:38:09 7:30
453 Jonna Leighton F3539 65 3/34 15/229 1:38:29 7:31
605 Tyrel Ott M2024 66 5/15 51/199 1:38:35 7:32
975 Danielle Curran F3034 67 2/47 16/229 1:38:35 7:32
318 Andy Hausted M1519 68 4/9 53/199 1:38:40 7:32
840 Mark Weierich M4549 69 5/21 55/199 1:38:43 7:33
272 Jarrod Gans M4549 70 6/21 56/199 1:38:43 7:33
9 Sean Aker M3034 71 7/21 52/199 1:38:47 7:33
82 Dan Bowers M2529 72 12/30 54/199 1:38:57 7:34
135 Ann Christian F3539 73 4/34 17/229 1:39:03 7:34
815 Chris Turek M3539 74 12/31 57/199 1:39:09 7:35
804 Joshua Todd M3539 75 13/31 58/199 1:39:13 7:35
283 Michele Gladieux F4044 76 4/32 18/229 1:39:19 7:35
384 Jennie Johnson F4044 77 5/32 19/229 1:39:24 7:36
233 Mark Eilitz M3539 78 14/31 59/199 1:39:33 7:36
372 David Jacobs M4549 79 7/21 60/199 1:40:02 7:39
984 John Barry M6064 80 2/12 61/199 1:40:26 7:40
563 Mike Morgan M4549 81 8/21 62/199 1:40:30 7:41
847 Sam Whalen M2529 82 13/30 64/199 1:40:36 7:41

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