Flying Pig Marathon 2010

City Dash Open 4-Person Relay

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May 2, 2010 in Cincinnati, OH

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City Dash Open 4-Person Relay - Results

Charts and Stats
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8375 FEMALE MAGS 82 5/136 1:05:39 9:36 143 44:45 8:41 93 58:26 7:38 49 1:07:04 10:15 251 3:55:53
8253 COED THE UW TEAM 83 50/400 1:14:07 10:51 313 48:20 9:22 174 1:04:46 8:27 111 48:49 7:28 22 3:56:01
8017 COED BENDER 84 51/400 1:04:03 9:22 123 58:49 11:24 386 58:26 7:38 48 55:11 8:26 67 3:56:28
8509 COED MACH 4 85 52/400 59:23 8:41 65 46:45 9:04 134 1:16:54 10:02 323 53:29 8:10 53 3:56:31
8424 COED THE L.A.D.S: LACTIC ACID DROPPER 86 53/400 55:52 8:11 36 51:22 9:58 249 1:11:43 9:21 238 57:44 8:49 99 3:56:39
8089 COED BUCK RENTKO SPACE MERCENARIES 87 54/400 1:12:07 10:33 263 44:55 8:43 96 1:03:55 8:20 102 56:01 8:34 77 3:56:57
8258 COED STETSON SQUARE 88 55/400 1:09:08 10:07 208 47:39 9:14 152 1:00:55 7:57 74 59:17 9:03 121 3:56:57
8078 COED THE DINKS 89 56/400 58:49 8:36 59 49:51 9:40 207 1:11:29 9:20 231 56:56 8:42 89 3:57:03
8147 COED COACH AND THE MEATHEADS 90 57/400 1:09:17 10:08 212 48:17 9:22 171 1:05:34 8:33 124 54:39 8:21 63 3:57:46
8124 COED SANTEN'S SPRINTERS 91 58/400 1:13:57 10:49 310 50:01 9:42 212 1:01:01 7:58 76 52:58 8:06 49 3:57:55
8566 MALE I'M ON A HORSE 92 29/76 1:01:58 9:04 93 59:53 11:37 401 1:03:26 8:17 98 52:58 8:06 48 3:58:13
8111 FEMALE X-TRA MILERS 93 6/136 1:03:51 9:21 120 40:33 7:52 29 1:08:29 8:56 176 1:05:35 10:01 217 3:58:27
8184 MALE THE GOOD THE BAD THE UGLY 94 30/76 1:03:51 9:21 119 40:33 7:52 30 1:08:30 8:56 177 1:05:35 10:01 218 3:58:28
8625 COED WHERE DO YOU WANT IT 95 59/400 1:01:19 8:58 84 54:26 10:33 321 1:02:56 8:13 92 1:00:00 9:10 137 3:58:41
8386 COED MURRAY-MIYABRUNKASU 96 60/400 1:07:30 9:53 175 46:56 9:06 138 1:07:40 8:50 164 57:24 8:46 96 3:59:29
8385 COED BEAT MARVIN LOPEZ 97 61/400 1:06:23 9:43 153 50:10 9:44 217 1:02:20 8:08 87 1:00:39 9:16 148 3:59:30
8478 FEMALE GIRLS RUN WILD 98 7/136 1:06:46 9:46 160 51:25 9:58 250 1:07:04 8:45 153 54:43 8:22 64 3:59:57
8085 MALE CHRP 99 31/76 - - - - - - - - - - - - 4:00:00
8411 COED MHS 88 RUNNERS 100 62/400 1:00:09 8:48 72 54:19 10:32 318 - - - - - - 4:00:01
8250 COED WITNESS THE FITNESS 101 63/400 1:08:44 10:03 198 49:59 9:42 211 1:04:51 8:28 114 56:49 8:41 86 4:00:21
8290 COED MOWING DOWN PIGS 102 64/400 58:18 8:32 57 47:50 9:17 156 1:02:49 8:12 90 1:11:33 10:56 342 4:00:29
8500 COED TEAM JARA 103 65/400 1:00:35 8:52 79 49:56 9:41 210 1:05:19 8:31 122 1:04:50 9:54 206 4:00:38
8313 COED GONZ 104 66/400 1:05:16 9:33 136 47:32 9:13 148 1:15:02 9:47 283 52:52 8:05 47 4:00:40
8576 COED TOWNE PROPERTIES 1 105 67/400 1:08:32 10:02 193 48:15 9:21 167 1:06:36 8:41 137 57:48 8:50 101 4:01:09
8243 FEMALE TEAM LACKMEYER 106 8/136 1:01:36 9:01 88 48:44 9:27 183 1:13:54 9:39 266 57:05 8:43 92 4:01:18
8512 COED TEAM HOG JOG 2 107 68/400 1:13:45 10:47 305 46:39 9:03 129 1:02:54 8:12 91 58:05 8:52 106 4:01:21
8037 COED CURB DAWGS 108 69/400 1:22:27 12:04 439 - - - - - - 53:56 8:14 58 4:01:26
8728 COED MICHELMAN INC. 109 70/400 1:06:15 9:42 151 46:33 9:02 123 1:06:56 8:44 145 1:02:05 9:29 171 4:01:48
8490 MALE OINK THIS 110 32/76 1:07:01 9:48 166 41:05 7:58 34 1:10:47 9:14 219 1:02:58 9:37 180 4:01:50
8371 COED THE PIN HEADS 111 71/400 1:12:28 10:36 274 41:19 8:01 37 57:45 7:32 43 1:10:26 10:46 326 4:01:57
8144 COED TEAM HOSEPH 112 72/400 1:16:06 11:08 344 53:42 10:25 301 1:04:50 8:28 113 48:23 7:24 19 4:02:59
8327 MALE WOLF PACK 113 33/76 1:06:29 9:44 155 57:00 11:03 361 57:41 7:32 42 1:02:15 9:31 174 4:03:24
8255 MALE AFIT PHD-11 114 34/76 1:03:05 9:14 105 50:19 9:45 222 1:10:21 9:11 213 59:42 9:07 130 4:03:25
8611 COED THE RUNZ 115 73/400 1:02:56 9:12 104 - - - - - - 59:12 9:03 120 4:03:33
8320 COED THINGS THAT START WITH A 116 74/400 58:16 8:32 56 58:53 11:25 387 1:04:39 8:26 110 1:02:09 9:30 172 4:03:56
8190 COED WE DIG BALLS 117 75/400 1:01:05 8:56 82 42:46 8:18 52 1:13:22 9:34 260 1:06:55 10:13 246 4:04:07
8473 COED DTPT PARTY PEOPLE 118 76/400 - - - - - - - - - - - - 4:04:27
8516 COED BSHJ 119 77/400 1:12:37 10:37 277 48:15 9:21 168 1:07:01 8:45 150 56:43 8:40 84 4:04:34
8220 COED LOS CORRECAMINOS 120 78/400 59:28 8:42 67 - - - - - - - - - 4:04:40
8160 MALE JERRY'S KIDS 121 35/76 1:08:57 10:05 204 46:54 9:06 136 1:09:08 9:01 190 1:00:00 9:10 136 4:04:58

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