2015 Jameson 5K



October 17, 2015 in Georgetown, TX


5K - Results

Charts and Stats
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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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6916 Will Sarahan M 14-19 24 3 20 23:10 23:05 7:24
6944 Bryan Whoolery M 40-49 25 2 21 23:11 23:05 7:24
6915 Paul Sarahan M 50-59 26 3 22 23:23 23:17 7:28
3990 Mike Dray M 50-59 27 4 23 23:26 23:20 7:29
6902 Nate Paulus M 30-39 28 3 24 23:47 23:37 7:34
5172 Gary Halko M 60-69 29 1 25 25:48 23:39 7:35
6951 Rusty Zunker M 40-49 30 3 26 24:05 23:57 7:41
6909 Chris Robertson M 30-39 31 4 27 24:17 23:59 7:41
6973 Don Mowen M 40-49 32 4 28 24:19 24:07 7:44
5192 Alan Jones M 50-59 33 5 29 24:52 24:40 7:54
3956 Tara Ambrose F 50-59 34 1 5 24:43 24:41 7:55
6969 Megan Rowe F 30-39 35 2 6 24:48 24:45 7:56
6872 Michael Leeds M 70-74 36 1 30 24:50 24:45 7:56
6975 Cynthia Henges F 30-39 37 3 7 24:54 24:50 7:58
6886 Madison Martin F 14-19 38 1 8 24:55 24:51 7:58
5155 Warren Gaswint Jr M 60-69 39 2 31 24:58 24:53 7:59
5181 Ken Holley M 60-69 40 3 32 24:59 24:55 7:59
6904 John Perkins M 75-99 41 1 33 25:11 25:06 8:03
6908 Thomas Ranese M 40-49 42 5 34 25:18 25:12 8:05
6974 Cheryl Brinkmeyer F 30-39 43 4 9 25:19 25:12 8:05
6934 Cullen Tsering M 40-49 44 6 35 25:19 25:14 8:05
3981 David Crain M 50-59 45 6 36 25:36 25:30 8:10
6960 John hocutt M 60-69 46 4 37 25:48 25:42 8:14
6970 Thomas Hawkins M 50-59 47 7 38 25:54 25:43 8:15
6950 Christy Zunker F 40-49 48 1 10 25:51 25:43 8:15
3974 Cassie Connerty F 30-39 49 5 11 26:01 25:53 8:18
3975 Maeve Connerty F 1-13 50 1 12 26:01 25:54 8:18
6985 Matthew Espinosa M 30-39 51 5 39 26:04 25:57 8:19
6919 Michael Soria M 40-49 52 7 40 26:06 26:00 8:20
6933 Amelia Tsering F 1-13 53 2 13 26:10 26:06 8:22
6891 Steven McDaniel M 60-69 54 5 41 26:30 26:20 8:26
3982 Mark Danheim M 50-59 55 8 42 26:28 26:23 8:27
6925 PJ Stevens M 50-59 56 9 43 26:51 26:29 8:29
6966 Scott Goodrich M 50-59 57 10 44 26:40 26:31 8:30
5175 Alan Haworth M 40-49 58 8 45 26:42 26:35 8:31
6895 Thomas Murphy M 20-29 59 6 46 26:52 26:45 8:34
5196 Mujtaba Khan M 1-13 60 2 47 26:57 26:55 8:38
6930 Blair Taylor F 50-59 61 1 14 27:01 26:56 8:38
6917 Janet Scholl F 70-99 62 1 15 27:06 27:01 8:40
6989 Paul Franz M 40-49 63 9 48 27:38 27:19 8:45

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