Umpqua River Run

10K Overall - Results

Charts and Stats
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displaying: 1 - 21 of 21
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652 Kelly Rowe F4044 46 6/7 28/45 1:11:47 11:34
526 Pat Christian F4044 47 7/7 29/45 1:13:04 11:46
654 Abby Savage F3034 48 5/10 30/45 1:14:18 11:58
516 Shellee Black F3034 49 6/10 31/45 1:14:18 11:58
667 Becky Simpson F3034 50 7/10 32/45 1:15:27 12:09
691 Douglas Ware M4044 51 2/3 19/21 1:17:39 12:30
692 Reagan Ware F0119 52 3/3 33/45 1:17:39 12:30
695 Kara Wick F3034 53 8/10 34/45 1:21:22 13:06
685 Harmony Todd F3034 54 9/10 35/45 1:21:25 13:07
725 Susan Piekarski F5559 55 3/6 36/45 1:21:26 13:07
629 Brad Parker M2529 56 4/4 20/21 1:21:35 13:08
668 Eric Simpson M4044 57 3/3 21/21 1:22:49 13:20
608 Jannelle Maine F3539 58 2/3 37/45 1:26:25 13:55
546 Nikkole Elletson F2529 59 4/4 38/45 1:26:25 13:55
599 Debi Laurance F6064 60 2/3 39/45 1:26:57 14:00
525 Tara Chirrick F3539 61 3/3 40/45 1:26:57 14:00
630 Marian Parker F5559 62 4/6 41/45 1:27:05 14:01
721 Rachel Thompson F3034 63 10/10 42/45 1:27:49 14:08
582 Sandra Hendy F6064 64 3/3 43/45 1:32:43 14:56
592 Laura Jackson F5559 65 5/6 44/45 1:32:44 14:56
642 Laurie Ranger F5559 66 6/6 45/45 1:42:38 16:31

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