EWEB Run To Stay Warm

Half Marathon Overall - Results

Charts and Stats
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936 Mark Andersen M5054 183 7/17 108/199 1:54:21 8:44
432 Tannin Kueffner F2024 184 17/31 78/229 1:54:24 8:44
459 Ian Lindgren M2024 185 8/15 107/199 1:54:25 8:44
311 Michael Harpel M4549 186 13/21 106/199 1:54:26 8:45
121 Dennis Caswell M4549 187 14/21 109/199 1:54:27 8:45
981 Shawn Taylor F4549 188 7/18 79/229 1:54:55 8:47
202 Daniel Dixon M5054 189 9/17 112/199 1:55:00 8:47
976 Daren Webster M5559 190 7/13 110/199 1:55:03 8:47
669 Robert Robnett M5054 191 8/17 111/199 1:55:24 8:49
201 Corey Dingman M4044 192 11/20 114/199 1:55:30 8:49
681 Nathaniel Rotta M2529 193 19/30 113/199 1:55:30 8:49
1009 Jessie Goodell F2529 194 14/34 80/229 1:55:31 8:50
444 Cole Lathrop M2529 195 20/30 115/199 1:55:52 8:51
858 Kate Willett F3539 196 12/34 81/229 1:55:54 8:51
103 Tracie Brown F4044 197 14/32 82/229 1:55:57 8:52
303 Randy Hampton M5559 198 8/13 116/199 1:56:17 8:53
643 Richard Rapp M5054 199 10/17 117/199 1:56:20 8:53
214 Amy Duncan F3539 200 13/34 83/229 1:56:30 8:54
521 Conor McGowan M2024 201 9/15 118/199 1:56:37 8:55
229 Karli Efseaff F3539 202 14/34 85/229 1:56:44 8:55
595 Devin Olmstead F2024 203 18/31 84/229 1:56:50 8:56
66 Aaron Bishop M2024 204 10/15 119/199 1:56:51 8:56
560 Elizabeth Morehead F3034 205 13/47 86/229 1:56:52 8:56
561 Grant Morehead M3539 206 21/31 120/199 1:56:55 8:56
730 Cindy Smith F5054 207 2/13 87/229 1:57:07 8:57
946 Tony Noel M3034 208 14/21 121/199 1:57:13 8:57
945 Melany Noel F3034 209 14/47 88/229 1:57:14 8:57
386 Krysten Johnson F3539 210 15/34 89/229 1:57:21 8:58
539 Jennifer Melo F3539 211 16/34 90/229 1:57:40 8:59
62 Tami Berry F3539 212 17/34 91/229 1:57:58 9:01
827 Lauren Ashl Vermilion F2024 213 19/31 92/229 1:58:03 9:01
808 Scott Trempe M4044 214 12/20 122/199 1:58:12 9:02
715 Mia Shea F3034 215 15/47 93/229 1:58:15 9:02
762 Sally Steinman F3034 216 16/47 94/229 1:58:15 9:02
1022 Miki Goodall F3034 217 17/47 95/229 1:58:25 9:03
794 Fawnda Thompson F4549 218 8/18 97/229 1:58:43 9:04
48 Johnathan Stephan M1519 219 8/9 123/199 1:58:45 9:04
374 Tessa Jelten F1519 220 6/8 96/229 1:58:46 9:04
177 Noelle Dass F3539 221 18/34 99/229 1:58:47 9:05
310 Chris Harmening M4044 222 14/20 127/199 1:58:51 9:05

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